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"post that one." you said, pointing at a picture that was in armin's camera roll. it was a picture of you and armin at the beach, eating ice cream.

"that one is my favorite picture, butttt i would rather keep it to myself." he smiled slyly, looking over at you.

you smiled back.

you've spent the last couple of weeks with him, going out, dinner dates, and did a few activities with the rest of your friends.

you were happy with your relationship, and so was armin.

but someone wasn't.


he's been watching you and armin's posts since you started dating, being one if the first people to view them. ever since his altercation with armin he's been feeling jealous, angry, and miserable.

he still had a small white bandage under his eye from that night, and every-time he looks in the mirror, he feels like punching it.

there has to be something he can do, something that makes armin look so bad that makes you crawl back to floch.

he cant think of anything at the moment, so he just sighs and continues sulking.

meanwhile, you're out at a cafe with armin.

he was sipping on his coffee slowly, scrolling through his camera roll looking at old pictures of the two of you.

you stirred your coffee, the spoon clinking against the sides of the cup.

"so, y/n- i was thinking..." armin said, leaning onto hand. "maybe we could go away for a little bit. get a hotel, spend some time to ourselves...you know."

"i would like that, i need a vacation actually. i've spent way too much time in shiganshina." you took a sip, "but you have to let me pay a portion."

"what kind of boyfriend would i be if i didn't pay for everything?"

"armin, it's expensive. at least let me pay for the hotel."

he shook his head, "nope i'm paying for the hotel and every single meal we have."

you leaned back, "i feel bad."

"don't, it's okay."

the bell on the door of the cafe rang, getting your attention as you looked to see who walked in. that familiar tuft of pink hair.


"look who just walked in." you whispered to armin, pointing over to him.

armin turned to look, a disgusted look spread across his face as soon as he met eyes with floch. "he better not come over here and try to apologize or something."

you tried to avoid eye contact with floch, not turning your head even the slightest bit.

but of course, he came up to the two of you.

"how you been, y/n and armin?" he said, sipping from his drink.

"fine." armin mumbled, still not looking at him.

"what're you guys doing? on a date?"

you sighed, noticeably irritated.

"yes, we are." armin said again.

"alright, i just wanted to apologize. for everything, and i was just jealous honestly. i'm a changed person now! i promise."

"mhm, yeah, we accept you can go now."

floch gave an obnoxious smile, before walking away with a wave.

"that was weird. you think he means what he said?" you asked, looking out the window watching floch walk to his car.

"fuck no, he's trying to get us to trust him again. it won't work."

you laughed at that."

armin leaned forward, "we should head back and look for hotels with me for our little vacation."

you leaned towards him too, "nothing too pricy."

"don't worry about the price, just pick!"

"i don't want you draining your account for me."

"anything for you."

this is when you realized armin was really yours, and was all about you.

he was obsessed with you and you're able to tell someone,

"armin arlert is mine. my boyfriend."

on vacation so the updates will take a while !

DIRTBAG|𝗮𝗿𝗺𝗶𝗻 𝗮𝗿𝗹𝗲𝗿𝘁 ➪Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon