Runaway Vacation

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A/N: Hi! Sorry I haven't uploaded in a while. I got serious writer's block for this au so it took me a while to come up with new ideas.

The tension in the atmosphere is so thick that not even Malleus's dragon fire could melt it. Although it's unknown to Yuu, Chris and Malleus hadn't gotten along since the overblot incident. Chris viewed Malleus as a snake ready to lead Yuu into temptation and trouble. Malleus viewed Chris as an overgrown Sebek who's keeping his friend away from him. It is safe to say that the two preferred not to be near each other.

"Malleus, be nice," Yuu says, petting a dove.

"Yeah, you should be nicer to him. He seems like a really cool guy," Che'nya says, appearing behind Yuu, scaring her. "Oh, sorry. I forgot people aren't used to that."

"Fine. As you wish, Yuu," Malleus grumbles, waving to Chris.

"Where're your bodyguards?" Chris asks, confused as to why Sebek isn't near Malleus.

"They let me leave to be with you here. Wait...they're not here. They're not here!" Malleus exclaims, a smile breaking through his stoic demeanor. "Do you know what this means? I can do everything I've ever wanted to do. I can cut my food! I can sleep without people watching or checking in on me!"

Malleus smiling as big and brightly is something Yuu had never seen before. She takes out her ghost camera and snaps a picture of Malleus. The picture of Malleus comes out, and then Yuu notices something sweet. The princes surrounding Malleus joined in on the photo and gave their best smiles behind Malleus. Yuu puts the picture in her shirt pocket and walks to Malleus.

"Come on! Let's go to town!" Malleus exclaims, grabbing Yuu's hand and teleporting away. "Let's go into this pizza shop!"

"Ok! Ok! Calm down! We got time!" Yuu replies, giggling. "Malleus, what do you want to get, anyway?"

"Whatever you're getting."

Malleus opens the pizza box, takes out a slice, and looks at his piece in confusion.

"How do I eat this?" Malleus asks, looking at Yuu eating her food."Don't you need to have silverware to eat this?"

"Oh, my Great Seven, no! You don't eat pizza with silverware. You take the slice and bite it," Yuu answers, biting into her slice as an example.

"Like this?" Malleus responds, eating the pizza as Yuu did.

"Yeah, you got it! How do you not know how to eat pizza?"

"Sebek and Lilia would never allow me to eat so-called junk food, so I enviously watched as everyone else ate it without me. Deuce told me how good it tastes, and I wanted to try it ever since."

"Jeez, what else? Do they pick out your outfits too?"

"Some days."

"Why don't we hit the cake shop?"

"Only if we get the sweetest slice."

Yuu and Malleus run off further into town and live their sweetest food fantasies.

"Mmmmm, that Chocolately Death Surprise was the best! We have to bring back the rest!" Malleus moans, flopping down on the beach sand.

"And the strawberry-vanilla froyo! To die for!" Yuu replies, finishing off her gelato.

"I wish this could last forever. It was nice to have a day without someone yelling or doing everything for me."

"Why can't it last a little longer? You're a prince who could do advanced magic. Why not run away for a while, then come back?"

"But my Sebek and my family would miss me. I couldn't do that to them."

"Think of it this way. You're not running away. You're just taking a vacation without telling anyone. But me."

"I'm down for that."

Malleus consulted with Yuu on where to go, and he chose the tropical island of Trinitopeca. An island known for its sunny beaches, sweet treats and drinks, and colorful coasts. Malleus picks up a bag of clothes for a week and prepares to venture to the island.

"I wish I could bring you with me, Yuu," Malleus says, hugging Yuu.

"I know, but someone has to tell them you're not in danger," Yuu replies, hugging Malleus back. "It's about to be sundown. You should get going. Bye."


The sight of Malleus disappearing into sparkles evoked feelings of when they first encountered each other outside Ramshackle. It made Yuu feel like the magic was flowing through her. It made her feel like she was sky-high and drunk on happiness. It made her chest burst with warmth to be friends with someone like Malleus, to be friends with everyone in this world.

"I should get going myself. They're all waiting for me," Yuu says, looking at the sunset. ~~~~ "Yuu, where's Malleus? I want to know what he thinks of our cooperative efforts!" Sebek yells, rushing to her.

"Malleus isn't here. He left," Yuu answers, making everyone still.

"Do you know where he went?" Sebek questions, terror painting his face.

"He went to on vacation," Yuu replies, watching Lilia and Silver's faces become terrified.

"WAKA-SAAMMMAAA!!!!" Sebek screams, running out of Diasomnia followed by Lilia and Silver.

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