The Little Things

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"I read your journal, and I want to say that I'm sorry that I didn't understand how you felt," Yuu says, rushing to Idia. "I'm so so sorry." Idia hugs Yuu, and his body heats up as Yuu hugs him back.

"Darling potato, what are you doing here? I thought you were having a grand old time with those snobby pricks?" Vil asks, crossing his arms at Yuu.

"They're not snobby pricks. Extremely forward and naive? Yes! But, snobby pricks, no!" Yuu replies, letting go of Idia.

"Lay off of Yuu. It's not like she had a choice," Idia says, standing up.

The cafeteria stirs with the excitement of a fight, and people begin to circle them.

"She could've at least given us a phone call. Though I'm pretty sure you were too busy communicating with doves, accepting proposals from princes, and getting love letters," Vil responds, pulling up a picture from Neige's Magicam of Yuu writing letters to dove. "It must be easy to forget your old friends when you're a princess."

"Vil, the doves were just part of my animal communication class. I wrote a letter to Malleus and Idia. I'll write you a letter next time if you want one. Also, I never accepted Evan's proposal or any love letters!" Yuu retorts, looking Vil in the eye.

"Really? If that's the case, why is Evan posting pictures of you asking where his "sweetheart" is?" Vil replies, pulling up another picture on Ethan's Magicam account.

"I'm. Not. Dating. Evan. I don't even know who he is!" Yuu growls, getting frustrated at Vil's accusations. "You guys are my first friends in this world. I would never leave you for some guys in easily stained white uniforms."

"Seems hard to believe. How do we know you're not here to spy on us?" Azul says, jumping into the conversation.

"Everyone! Back off! Yuu's here because I brought her," Idia exclaims, slamming his palm on the table.

"I can't believe you all are questioning me after all the shit-" Yuu begins to rant, getting interrupted by a piercing headache. "You know what, fuck this. Find someone else to deal with your problems."

Yuu storms out of the cafeteria and goes to her former dorm. She sits down on the front steps and cries into her knees. As she continues to sob, someone sits next to her and taps her cheeks.

"Hey. Look at me. Stop crying," Ace says, poking Yuu's cheeks. "Come on, look at me! BWAAAAHHH!"

"Alright, alright! I'm looking at you!" Yuu laughs, looking at Ace with googly eyes. "Shouldn't you be upset that I went with some princes?"

"Nah, you're too cool for those bitches. Besides, Vil and Azul are only upset because you're hanging with Neige and Rielle now. They're afraid you're going to replace them with those two," Ace explains, giving Yuu a fresh tart. "Anyway, I'm not the only one who came to visit you."

Deuce, Trey, Riddle, and Cater come out from the bushes and yell surprise to her.

"We thought it would be nice to surprise you when we heard you were back. Take it from Cay-Cay it's hard making new friends when you move somewhere else. But, it's the memories of the old friends and the little things they did for you that count," Cater says, giving Yuu his classic cheery persona.

"Oh...thank you, guys..." Yuu cries, wiping tears from her eyes.

Yuu gets up and kisses everyone on the cheek, making them turn red.

"Ah...thanks," They all say.

"I need to talk to Vil and Azul. Where can I find them?" Yuu asks.

"Vil went with Azul to hang out in the Monstro Lounge. Jade says they're sulking around like a wet sock," Riddle answers, smirking at the thought of a sad octopus.

Yuu thanks Riddle and runs off to the Hall of Mirrors. She enters Octavinelle and walks to Azul and Vil's table.

"What are my sad sea puppies doing?" Yuu asks, sitting down as the two boys sadly drink milkshakes.

"Don't you have princes to be prancing around with?" Azul questions, glaring at Yuu.

"Nope, I'm enjoying the little things. Besides, Rielle and Neige couldn't hold a candle against you guys!" Yuu responds, looking at the menu. "Azul, what do you recommend?"

"I recommend our strawberry lemonade with our Coral Sea fish and chips. The fish is flounder," Azul responds, smiling at Yuu. "And since it's you, I'll be the merciful gentleman I am and cover your costs."

"Well then, I'll have the strawberry lemonade with the Coral Sea fish and chips, Jade!" Yuu exclaims, giggling a little.

"Thank you for your order, ma'am. By the way, thanks for cheering them up. Their moping was beginning to get annoying," Jade says, whispering the last part.

Yuu spends the rest of the night at the Monstro Lounge conversing with Vil and Azul. Eventually, she goes to Idia's room for the night and holds Grim who, like any cat, found a way to its owner.


"Where's my baby?! It's been a whole day!" Chris screams, hurting everyone's ears.

"There's no need to panic. I'm sure Yuu's in town somewhere," Headmage Ambrose says, trying to calm Chris down before his antics start up again. "I'll call Crowley and see if he's seen Yuu around campus."

"I'll call Vil!" Neige exclaims, dialing Vil. "Hello, Vil, I'm calling you to see if seen Yuu around-"

"Don't ruin this day for me," Vil growls, cutting off Neige and then hanging up on him.

"Fuck this! I'll come and get Yuu myself!" Chris screams, stomping out of Royal Sword Academy.


Yuu hears a camera click, and her eyes open to Ortho with a camera.

"Ortho? What are you doing?" Yuu whispers, feeling Idia's grip tighten around her waist.

"I couldn't resist taking a picture of my Onii-chan and his girlfriend spooning while their cat is a mini spoon. It's too adorable," Ortho coos, taking another picture of Idia snuggling with Yuu.

"Yuu don't move...I'm flipping you over..." Idia mumbles, flipping Yuu onto her back and laying on top of her.

"Ah-ah-" Yuu stutters, her face going scarlet as Idia's face is right next to hers.

"So cute!" Ortho squeals, taking more pictures.

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