Mirror Mirror

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3 days later

"I can't believe you're leaving so soon!" Ace cries, hugging Yuu.

"We'll be friends forever! Besides, maybe you might find a way into my life again," Yuu exclaims, hugging all her friends one last time. "Ok! Chris, Leon, I'm ready to go!"

Chris, Leon, and Yuu walk near the mirror, and Crowley lands next to Leon. Crowley's staff hits the mirror, and just as Leon walks through, the mirror collapses, breaking into shards.

"No. No. Nononono. I was one step away from going home!" Yuu yells in frustration, her knees collapsing to the ground.

"Yuu, it's ok! We can still contact home and someone to pick you up," Chris says, trying to comfort Yuu. "HQ, can you read me?"

Yuu cries, and Ace comes to hug her while Chris tries to reach HQ.


"So, good news, they can get us out of here. The bad news is that it might take a couple of months," Chris explains, getting off the phone with Sherry. "At least we still have your stuff."

"Yeah, I guess you're staying with me in Ramshackle now," Yuu responds, going to her bedroom. "Oh, there you are, Grim. You must've been so scared."

When Yuu got captured by Azul, Grim did what any animal would do and hid in his owner's living space, hoping she'd return.

"That cat really likes you, huh?" Chris asks, putting his stuff on a coach that immediately breaks a leg. "On another note, how stable is the building?"

"Grim and I have been together from the very beginning. We've been through every overblot, trial, and tribulation. I don't know how stable this building is. Occasionally, the house creaks, and a shelf, beam, or some other part of the house falls during the night. Though I don't know if that's because of the ghosts or because the house is old and in desperate need of repair," Yuu answers, petting Grim's spiky hair back down. "Twisted Wonderland isn't so bad. You have to get used to the monsters and magic."

"Woah, woah, woah, let's get back to Ramshackle. The dorm is collapsing while you're living here, and the ghosts are doing what exactly?" Chris questions, looking at Yuu in disbelief.

"I don't know what the ghosts do. They probably do their own thing while I'm at school," Yuu replies, putting Grim on the bed.

Yuu stands up and goes to her window to look at the drabby trees.

"You shouldn't worry too much about this place. It hasn't killed me ye-" Yuu says, falling as the floor breaks, leaving her gripping the remaining floorboards.

"Chris! Help me!" Yuu cries, trying to keep her grip on the floorboards.

"Hold on, Yuu!" Chris replies, grabbing Yuu's arms and pulling her up.

Grim gets off the bed, bites one of Yuu's arms, and uses his power to lift it into the air. Together, Chris and Grim pull Yuu up and put her on the bed.

"That's it! I'm talking to that bird!" Chris exclaims, storming out of Ramshackle.


Yuu sits outside Crowley's office with Ace and Deuce while Chris discusses Yuu and his living arrangements.

"I get it. Yuu showed up out of nowhere, but that's no excuse to put her in an unsafe environment!" Chris yells, making Crowley go into damage control mode.

"Ramshackle may need some repairs, but I assure you, Yuu's living space is safe. Besides, the ghosts can watch over the house while she's gone to school," Crowley responds, crossing his legs.

"Yuu almost fell through the floor in her bedroom. We are not living in a death trap!" Chris exclaims, getting annoyed with Crowley.

"Oh...at least the school isn't a death trap," Crowley responds, giving a nervous smile.

"You did nothing while your school became a biohazard! Meanwhile, you were planning a trip to the beach while your students were becoming zombies!" Chris yells, making Yuu flinch outside the door. "You know what-fuck this! I'm transferring Yuu into a safer school where she won't die trying to get some decent sleep!"

Chris slams the door closed and tells Yuu that they're leaving.

"Yuu, honey, we're leaving. Go pack your stuff," Chris says, letting Yuu say goodbye to her friends.

When the evening began, Yuu and Chris had made it to Royal Sword Academy and had already transferred Yuu into the school. Along with Yuu living in a proper bedroom. Though, her roommate was someone most as Night Raven College would find annoying.

"I can't believe the Yuu is staying with me!" Neige squeals, giving Yuu and Grim some extra pillows. "I can't wait to show you around school for your first day!"

"I'm looking forward to it. Chris might have to adjust to the magic part, but he'll get used to it," Yuu responds, unpacking her backpack.

"All this talking, and we're about to miss dinner. Come with me! I can't wait for you to meet everyone," Neige says, grabbing Yuu's hand. 

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