Only Us In The World

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"So do I." Alucard wrapped his other arm around my back, absentmindedly brushing against my scars. My back clenched rigid and I made a small gasp. "I'm sorry!" He quickly apologized. "It's okay! You didn't hurt me!" I assured. "They actually don't hurt as much anymore. You know how some amputees get phantom pains?"

"Phantom pain, what is that?"

"It's feeling a part of your body that isn't there."

Alucard's eyes widened. "Your wings."

"Yes." I sighed. "Sometimes I can still feel them, especially when the scars are touched. If I close my eyes I can imagine unfurling and fluttering them, that I could fly again. Truly fly." I settled myself on him. My head still resting on his chest, and saw them plain and raw. I reached my othe arm and clutched his hand, which he tool. Our fingers interwined, glyphs complimenting the coiling marks.

"Do your scars still hurt?"

"This." Alucard brushed his other hand across the pink mark on his chest. "No, it has since healed."

"Not that scar." I gestured the coils on his forearm. "Those."

Alucard took a sharp breath. "No. Not physically, but the memories of their infliction are still raw and burning."

"That wasn't from a vampire's claws or a demon. I've seen enough artifacts from the Belmont Hold to figure it was a weapon." I furrowed my brows. "You told me when we first met someone betrayed you."

"That is true." Alucard responded quietly. "Though they didn't initially intend to. They were my friends, at least in the beginning."

"I don't understand." My mood darkened. "What happened?" My mate paused, his breath grew steadier and his body shivered.

"Adrian." I spoke calmly. "You don't have to tell me . I understand."

"No." Alucard replied in his low tone. "You deserve to know the truth." His chest lowered taking a deep breath.

"It was not long before I met you." Alucard explained. "I was visited by two travelers from a faraway land seeking knowledge on how to kill vampires. They were once slaves to a cruel vampire general who was a member of my father's court, and wanted to learn how to protect their people if another succeeded her. After a long journey, they located the castle intending on slaying their general who put them through so much torture."

Alucard stroked my hair as he spoke, almost lulling me to sleep. "Instead they found me. I disarmed them quick enough, and would have bitten their throats out if they hadn't explained themselves . After it was established I wasn't their target, I offered to teach them how to combat vampires and to fight."

"Like how you taught me."

"Yes...." Alucard kissed my forehead. "Very much like how I taught you, but I was less hesitant than I was with you. I had been alone for quiet some time and yearned for company. I saw nothing wrong in taking in guests and training the next generation of vampire hunters. I'm no Belmont, but I managed to teach them enough where they could stand their ground against a menacing vampire. I even showed them the Belmont Hold. They were very appreciative of my help, and as time passed, we grew rather close......"

He took another sharp breath. "Yet as time passed they grew impatient. Hunting and slaying vampires wasn't enough, they wanted to know more. They wanted to learn magic and use it to their advantage."

Castlevania: Of Darkness and LightWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu