Of Darkness and Light

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Samyaza, Arakial, Sariel, Penemue, Baraquel, Amaros....... I listed the names of all my fallen siblings in my mind. My brothers and sisters under the stars. This one's for you. The time has finally come to avenge your deaths. Flanking my footsteps, Trevor Belmont walked confidently in stride, one hand clutching the fabled Morningstar and the other on the hilt of the Divine Blade.  And I am not alone.

The Last Watcher and the Last Belmont. The First of the bloodline and the Last. Together we'd make our final stand against the ultimate enemy.

"Oi, Death, I want a word with you." Trevor confronted the towering Grim a hundred times his size. Unflinching and unafraid.

" You know me?" The Grim's voice chilled me to the soul.

 "I'm Trevor Belmont of House Belmont. Of course I know you. Finding things and recognizing things is what we do. And you are absolutely a thing." Fire burned in my descendant's eyes. 

"I was put here at the dawn of life on Earth to feed on the last breath of every one of you fuckers." The Entity glared down on him. "I'm a little more than a...thing."

"No." Trevor walked  undaunted staring into the face of Death itself. "You're only a thing. You're only an old killer. You don't make anything; you don't live. You just eat and hide."

" Is there a point to this?" The skeletal Grim snarled. "Are you dictating your fucking obituary to me, Belmont? And you." Death's hollow sockets glowered embers at me. "I should have destroyed you when you were a naïve piece of flesh. I won't let you stand between me and my victory again. I'll rip your fucking wings off and consume your essence like I did your brothers and sisters. You'll sustain me a thousand years more."

I responded with a piercing roar.

"You'll not touch her!" Trevor bellowed. "It's time to give this place back to people who know how to build things." He glanced up at me in awe before turning to his foe. "You and me, we're just killers of history. It's time for us to go!"

"And who's going to make me go?" Snarled Death. "You? With your bit of string in your hand and your loyal guardian bitch growling at your heels?"

"Probably not." Trevor grinned and brandished the Morning Star "But let's just give this one last go, shall we?" He rolled the Morningstar and cracked the first blow. The fiery impact sent Death reeling back with an enraged bellow. 

I flared my wings and shot into the gale, thrusting  my glaive between the Skeletal creature's ribs that Trevor hit afterwards with the whip. I swerved agilely like a falcon, striking the raw spots marked by the fiery Morningstar,  dodging  the lash of the haloed whip and Death's scythe. Landing beside Trevor I bellowed our foe a challenging cry ; A scream like a hawk with an underlying roar of a behemoth.

Trevor and I gazed at one another before charging across the levitating plain. My wings cut through the wind as I soared beside my sprinting ally, blocking Death's swipe and scythe attacks with a flash of my wings while Trevor lashed the whip. 

Death's spindly claws managed to trip him with a swipe, but I swooped in and lifted him back on his feet running when he tumbled.

The blood of the Last Watcher coursed strongly through his veins. He ran with the finesse and fury of his ancestor, leaping chasms and bolting forward, retaliating  Death's swipes with the flaming Morningstar. It hissed as it struck the Grim, eliciting an enraged roar from our enemy. 

While he bellowed stunned I shot forward in a fireball, smiting Death repeatedly in the face raking his visceral tendons with talons and claws combined. When he bowed over me with a gaping fanged maw, I coasted on my belly aiming my gleaming glaive and shot  a beam into his throat. 

Death reeled back coughing an explosive blast. I shot again blasting the spines off his skull, dethroning him of his crown.

A spark bounded up the levitating rocks towards the humbled face of Death. Trevor's Morningstar blazed like a burning inferno and struck Death full on. 

Like a human annoyed by a biting fly, Death swatted him with his claws and would've instantly killed him had I not blocked and shielded him, taking the hit.

Pain seized my celestial body and I  crashed onto the stone like a meteorite. The sheer impact sent Trevor  flying from my arms, tumbling like a rag-doll near the edge of the cliff. He lay  stunned, his bloodied hand still gripping the Morningstar's hilt.

"Zaharial......." Trevor shuddered. "Go home.......they need you....." He struggled to get up but crashed on the stone.

I hissed, too weakened and winded from the blow to get up. 

 "Well this is a good game." Death sneered. "What's wrong, little angel? Too much of a fight? You couldn't kill me with the might of your family beside you, and you can't kill me now. Persistent little shit! This time you're truly alone." 

 He lowered his great scythe over Trevor. "And this time  I'll take out the last of your line before I consume you. You hear that Belmont? I'm going to eat your soul, shit it out, and use it to smother your fucking girlfriend to death."

Bloodied and bruised, Trevor stood trembling on his feet. Gasping and staring up at the Grim. I screamed when Grim wrought  struck down his scythe, but right as the blades end flashed mere centimeters from his face, Trevor stepped aside, letting in crash into the levitating stone.

His resilience renewed the strength and willpower within me. I picked up my glaive and flew to him, watching as he wielded the full extent of the Morningstar, wreathed in haloed fire. The Grey sky burned orange, and Death howled, shattering the air and surrounding stone.  

Trevor repeated the blow five times over, and the sky became alight with a mountain of fire. He took the Divine Blade from its sheath and inserted the Jewel into its hilt. The dagger gleamed in holy white light and Adamic glyphs burned along the blade's edges.

I flew to his side  letting him leap onto my back. With him now riding between my shoulders I ascended atop the inferno, my wings shimmering brighter with the sun as each billow sounded a thunderclap. 

This is it.

I rippled the feathers along my back, signaling  Trevor to hold on tight. He gripped the feathers on my scruff, steeling his feet into my back  when I divebombed  zeroing in on the Grim

Death didn't see us coming, his back turned to us when I gathered my strength and  launched the glaive through his spine like a javelin. Death's scream shattered the very air, yet I steeled myself and Trevor held on. His skeleton crumbled around him.

This is how I destroyed his physical  form the last time, but it's not enough. He'll only regenerate again, even if it takes a thousand years more. No, let's put an end to this for good!  

I lifted my head up at Trevor, tilting my wings and flying around to meet Death's gaze.

Trevor leapt off my back and dived towards Death with the Divine Blade in hand. The dagger's sheer power  burned the sleeve off his arm, scorching his skin, but Trevor gripped it tight, hitting the Grim head on plunging it right between the eyes!

The world shattered in a burning  light. The Grim's dying scream and Trevor's roar of rage rattled my entire being.  The Grim crumbled before our eyes, disintegrating before being completely vaporized in a blinding explosion.

Trevor got the brunt of it, yet still gripped the knife even as the explosion consumed him. I screamed descending towards him, diving in all fury with an outreached hand.


My last descendant gave me a reassuring smile before vanishing  in a swirling white light.

Take care of them, kid.

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