Home Again

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All I remember is falling.

Rather, the sensation of falling.

I think I overshot it a little, zipping way past the castle and crashing into a wooded mountainside like a fallen meteorite. I was aware of the flames surrounding me, the ash sifting through my clawed toes, but I wasn't hurt. I lay curled up with my great wings shielding my body and the small human clutched protectively in my arms.

Jeez, I really gotta learn to stick the landing.

I think I blacked out. I don't remember what happened after, other than feeling myself shrink to human form.

The next thing  I sensed was a soft nose nudging me awake.

I groaned, slowly stirring up. The nose nudged me again with a snort and something nickered in my ear. "Hey bud." I smiled, opening my eyes to the unicorn's silvery white muzzle. The loyal beast pawed the dirt and pushed me with his head. I slowly sat up, rubbing my head to find myself in the middle of a deep forest with a river bubbling not far away.

Trevor lay beside me utterly still.  The arm he plunged the Blade into Death badly burned. He was in rough shape, most of his clothes were burned off and whatever skin exposed was heavily scratched with open sores .

My heart jolted. "Trevor!!" I shook him. "Trevor wake up!" He didn't move and his heartbeat was faint against my palm.  The unicorn plunged his horn into the gash on his chest, injecting the healing serum into his blood. The yellow glow pooled over his body and closed all his wounds, though the burns on his arm left permanent scars.

Still he didn't move.

"Don't do this ." I clenched his burned hand. "Not after everything we've been through. The world is saved because of you, no more Death and demons. We can go home. We can live the peaceful lives we're meant to live."

I cradled him close. "Trevor please. You have to wake up! You have to stay here! Not just for Sypha, but for me. I love you!  You're my family , and you're worth just as much to this world as I do. So please! Don't leave!!" My tears dripped on his bruised chest. "Don't leave me."

His hand tightened on mine. "My God you're strong."

I swore I nearly jumped up on my feet. "Trevor!!"

"What the hell just happened?" He grumbled as if hungover. "I feel like I took a shot of hard whiskey."

"You took a shot of Panacea serum." I laughed while tearing up. " The unicorn's found us."

"Oh really. Look at that."  Trevor lifted his head up. "How nice."

"How are you feeling?"

"Like liquid shit." Trevor grunted. "I thought those things were supposed to heal you."

"He did." I said. "He patched up your wounds, but you'll need time to regain your strength. Just like Alucard did.  Especially after that nigh impossible achievement of stabbing Death in the face and destroying him for good. Can you get up?"

Trevor pushed out his legs but could do no more. "Figures." I shrugged. "Well, looks like you've got a long way to rest before getting back on your feet again."

"Fantastic." Trevor growled. "I saved the fucking world now I've barely the strength to move my own legs. At least that was worth protecting everyone we care about, and especially hearing you crying over me  like a lonely maiden."

"Wait. YOU HEARD THAT!? You motherfucker! Were you listening to me the whole damn time!?"

"I might have nodded in when you were crying your bleeding heart out over my cold dead body." He wheezed. "You angels are so poetic and weepy. Who would've thought you had a soft spot for me. Did I hear correctly that you love me?"

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