Secrets of the Belmonts

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We found Trevor and Sypha lounging in the courtyard. "About time you two showed up." Trevor remarked. "Sleep well?"

"Yup." I yawned. "It was the first time I slept well since leaving for Targoviste."

"I can imagine." Trevor smirked with glint in his eyes.

"Why are you smirking at us like a possessed court jester?" I questioned.

"Me? I'm not smirking." Trevor responded. "I'm just happy you both had a good night's sleep."

Alucard placed a hand on my shoulder. "Do not let him rile you."

"He's not riling me." I smiled. "So, how was the castle for you? Not too creepy right?"

"We slept out here in the courtyard." Sypha answered in her friendly voice. "Don't worry, we're use to sleeping outside, and the ward around this castle is very strong. That was you wasn't it?"

"Yes." I scratched my head. "I set them up a while ago while we were under threat of a blood moon, I'm surprised it held up that long, I was nowhere as strong when I cast it."

"They've probably grown stronger with you." Sypha replied with eyes glimmering. "Arcane spells grow powerful with magician who casted it. It wouldn't surprise me if night creatures couldn't break through anymore."

"That would've helped us a shit ton at Targoviste." Trevor laughed dryly. "In fact, we'll be heading back soon. That grouchy bitch is probably wondering why we're taking so long, and I don't like leaving those people undefended so long. Not their fault their rulers are shit."

"I knew it! You do have a heart!" Sypha elbowed him smiling.

"I'm a mean old bastard but I'm not heartless." Trevor winked back.

"We didn't expect you to leave so soon." Alucard said, and I heard the bruising in his voice. He had just only reunited with his old friends. "We can't stay here." Trevor said dourly. "Not when there's others who need us. We'll get our bearings and be on our way."

"It'll take you weeks to get back to Targoviste." I said. "Let me set up the mirror portal. I still have the shards at hand."

"We'd really appreciate that." Sypha responded gratefully. "But there's something we should do first." Trevor's eyes glinted. "Alucard, has she seen the Belmont hold yet?" "No." Alucard responded plainly. "There was no reason to."

"Everything I needed to learn was in the library, and that place is huge enough to spend lifetimes in." I added. "Plus, no offense, the place is creepy and I have no idea of what's hiding down there. It also looks like it could collapse at any moment."

"None taken." Trevor grumbled. "My family home has seen better days." His voice went serious. "I think the answers you're trying to find  are there."

"You really think so?" I perked my ears. "Don't be ridiculous Belmont." Alucard tensed. "The only things there are bestiaries and weapons meant to eradicate my kind. What knowledge could gleam useful to her?"

"If she really is the last Watcher, then everything she is looking for. The answer to who she really is."

I gripped Alucard's hand. "Why do you believe that? The Belmonts were monster hunters, why would there be anything about my kind  in those old tomes?" I gulped. "Unless, your family hunted fallen angels too."

"No." Trevor replied curt. "Look, I'll explain it once I'm certain. I just have a strong feeling....." I saw the conflict of disbelief and hope flicker in his eyes.

Alucard spoke my name and tenderly held my hand. "The past does not define you. There is no shame in leaving it behind."

"I need to know Alucard. It'll haunt me for the rest of my life if I don't take the chance." I squeezed his hand and let the runes glow up my arm. "And it's not something I can leave behind."

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