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Emily Brook considered herself a plain, ordinary girl. There was nothing eye-catching about her; she was a simple, tan brunette with hazel eyes, sharp curves, and a quick smile. She didn't dress up; she wore what she was comfortable in - usually baggy clothes, like T-Shirts and sweatpants. Her curly hair was never styled with precision; it was always in a messy bun or a low ponytail. She was not girlish or elegant; she enjoyed boyish adventures and spoke with sass with every sentence. She was not squeamish or shy; she took to any challenge given to her, even the riskiest ones. 

Her family, the ones that had taken her in when she was a baby, was just as normal. They lived in a small neighborhood that bordered a busy city, enjoying their humble little home and everything that came in it.

Jay Brook, the father she had grown up with, was everything Emily could ever ask for. He was a wise, cool-headed and natural leader; but he was also a protective, fun-loving and courageous father. He loved his family unconditionally, and he lay down his life for every single one of them if he had to. There was not a day that went by in which he made his family feel loved and appreciated or made them laugh. 

Evangaline, Jay's beautiful and level-headed wife, took her job as a mother very seriously. She was usually the one that laid down the rules when her husband just wanted to be childish with his kids. She kept the balance among the Brook family, and she kept her cool even when her children - or husband, for that matter - slipped up. She loved them with a gentle love that Emily cherished deeply. 

Lisa, Emily's oldest sister, was just like her father. She was spunky and sassy, with a passion for acting and singing. She practiced in every way she could, and Emily supported her wholeheartedly. Lisa was smart and beautiful, but she never flaunted her talents with the goal of acceptance. She accepted herself for the way she was, and when people told her just how amazing she was, she took it with a humble "thank you" and always returned the compliment. 

However, Mel - the youngest girl - was quiet and sarcastic, as well as forcefully blunt. She had no regret in ever hurting anyone's feelings, which sometimes got out of hand. Whenever the family argued, she always came out on top until she came back and apologized. Despite that she was a hardened girl that showed little emotion, she was quick to apologize and forgive. Though, she never really got offended by people because she didn't care. She knew who she was, and if people didn't like it, she didn't let their judgements deter her. 

Emily loved her family. Every day she was reminded of her love for them. She loved to laugh with them, to smile with them, to mess with them, to be with them, and even to cry with them. She cherished every moment with them.

They were a normal, cozy family living in a normal, cozy home.

So she did not know why she was being stalked. 

For the past two weeks, everywhere Emily had gone, she'd seen the same exact man nearby. He was always a long distance away, such as across the street or many several yards behind her, but his dark hoodie and slightly slouched, lazy posture immediately singled him out. Though he was big and burly, intimidating everyone he passed, he kept his head down and his hands in his pockets. He made no interactions with anyone, as far as Emily had seen.

Not only that, but he was also making no effort to hide that he was watching her. When Emily had first noticed him, she had tried to make him uncomfortable by staring right back at him, hoping he would leave her alone. Soon enough, Emily realized that she was not fazing him at all: every time she made eye-contact with her, he would just gaze directly back, his eyes hidden behind his dark shades. 

Emily's plan to make him uncomfortable was only making her uncomfortable. The more she saw him, the more she wanted to squirm beneath his stare and bolt straight back home. His presence frightened her, especially because she had no idea what he wanted. If he had been watching her for this long, there was no way he was going to kidnap her. He would have done it already, if that was the case. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2022 ⏰

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