Chapter 2 Mystery Woman

Start from the beginning

"Hey Deb!" My dad said in his usual cheerful voice.

Deb? Hold on a second...

I look at my dad and his face is flushed. Okay, either my dad is getting sick or something is going on here.

Debby looks down at my dad and I swear there's an electricity that wasn't there a second ago. She breaks eye contact after a couple of seconds, and my dad loudly clears his throat. He immediately hides his face behind the menu, which is odd considering we get the same thing every time. Interesting.

Debby breaks the brief moment of awkward silence by turning to me, "How are you Addison? I feel like it's been ages since we've seen you in here! I know your dad has been missing you."

My dad is still hidden behind the menu as Debby and I briefly catch up.

"I'll just bring out the usual?"

I nod and hand her my menu. My dad hands over his and I swear I catch him wink at her. She tucks her brown hair behind her ear and walks away blushing.

Who would've thought?

Debby and my dad might try and deny it but it's so obvious what's going on here.

"So... Debby huh?"

My dad chokes on his water and goes into a coughing fit. I know the expression on my face is full of amusement, but I can't help it. He is being so weird about this.

"Is it that obvious?" He asks after he is finished coughing. 

I nod my head and grin. "So how long have you two.."

His faces goes red, and he scratches the back of his head nervously. "Well we haven't actually gone out or anything."

My eyes widen, "Why not? It's about time you started dating again dad! Plus it's obvious that you two like each other."

My dad bites his fingernails and shakes his head as if he's unsure what to say. Sometimes my dad can be the biggest chicken.

"Dad! This could be your only chance at finding real love again. Don't you miss having someone to love?"

My dad looks up at me and his eyes soften. He seems to be searching my face as if trying to figure something out. Surprising me, he balls his hands into fists, and grins so wide the lines on his face stand out. "You're right baby girl! I need to do this."

Uh oh.. I have no idea what he means by that.

As if on cue, Debby walks back over to our table, this time with our food in her hands.  She places our plates loaded with burgers and fries, down onto the table. "Well, here ya go sweethearts. Can I get you anything else?"

I go to shake my hand and thank her when my dad suddenly stands up, his face still red. He turns to face Debby and grabs a hold of her hands. " Deb, I think you are the most beautiful woman I've ever laid eyes on. I should've done this ages ago. Will you do me the honor of going on a date with me?"

My mouth drops open, and I feel a bit uncomfortable as people start to turn in their seats to see what's going on. Debby's eyes widen, and she says nothing as if she's too shocked. I think she might be redder than my dad is.

She doesn't say anything for a long moment, and I'm afraid she's about to reject him, but she smiles instead and hugs him. "W-well, I mean of course I will! It took you long enough!"

Loud clapping rings out all around us. I clap along with them and smile at my dad. He beams at Debby and kisses her cheek. Debby starts giggling and shoves at his shoulder playfully. I shove a fry in my mouth and look out the window and sigh. Must be nice to experience something like that.


My dad walks me out to my car and pulls me in for a hug. I close my eyes and instantly relax. I needed today so bad.

"Thanks again baby girl." He pulls back and ruffles up my hair.

I laugh at his playful gesture, and smooth my hair back down, "it was nothing dad. All you needed was a little push."

He laughs and runs a hand through his dark cropped hair. My dad and I look a lot alike, and I love that. He looks me over and says suddenly, "what about you?"

Puzzled I ask, "what about me?"

"When are you going to start dating? You are a grown woman now, and I think it would be good you to find someone. Someone who can support you, and love you as much as your old dad does."

I burst out laughing, "good one dad!"

My dad's face becomes serious, "honey, I mean it. When are you going to start trusting someone other then me? You are never going to be happy if you are always afraid to trust."

I bite my lip and look away almost embarrassed. Memories of hearing my father cry alone in his room at night and trying to hide it the next morning with a smile, flashed in my mind. My mother had abandoned my father and I when I was just in elementary school. My father was completely heart broken. I was so hurt and confused when she left, and I still have a hard time understanding why. After going through all of that, i've learned that relying on other people won't get you anywhere except probably hurt. If my own mother couldn't stick around, why would anyone else? Honestly, I don't know why my father is so worked up about me meeting someone. I mean I'm perfectly happy by myself.

My father sighs, and leans over, and kisses my forehead. "Addison, you know I love you so much. I also know you have a heavy weight on your shoulders because of me. You don't need
to worry about me. Please don't hold yourself down because of your mother's mistakes."

I can feel my eyes sting with tears. I swallow hard and rub my eyes before any tears try and escape. I hug my dad again and he doesn't pull away until I do. "I love you dad. You don't know how much I needed to hear that. Thanks for inviting me out today. I missed this."

"Anytime baby girl! I'm always here if you need me."

I wave goodbye to my dad as I pull out of the parking lot. I feel like a weight has been lifted off of me and it makes me feel hopeful.

When I get home I immediately plop myself onto my couch and turn on the tv.

My phone starts buzzing, and I pressed answer without reading the caller ID.

"Yes?" I sound so bored.

"Hey girl! Guess where you and I are going tonight?" I smile as soon as I hear Jessica's voice.

"Um, well I don't know about you, but I'll be in bed." I turn off the tv knowing an argument is coming. "No" is not in her vocabulary.

Jessica's voice raises an octave and I have to move the receiver away from my ear.

"Oh no you are not! I'm picking you up at nine for some dancing and drinks! You need to stop being a hermit and get yourself out there! I'm going to help find you a real man. One that doesn't have orange fur."

"Hey! Don't bring Finn into this!" I defend my cat.

She continues to argue, and insist she is coming over. I groan and rub my forehead.

"Jess... I really just want to stay home and binge watch movies on Netflix." Sounds like my kind of night.

"Okay one, that sounds so boring, and two, I am not taking no for an answer! Be ready by 8 or you are soooooo dead!" I heard the line click off and I panic.

"Hello?! Jessica!"

I toss my phone onto the couch feeling defeated and kind of pissed. Great... This wonderfully planned evening of sitting in my PJs and doing absolutely nothing is ruined.

I go into my room and begin rummaging through my closet for something decent to wear.  I pulled out one of the only few dresses I own. It's a short black dress and it's the one thing I have that is remotely "sexy".

This is such a bad idea. Tonight I am definitely going to need more than one drink if I'm going to survive this night out...

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