72. The Impenetrable Bank

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Hermione holds a lock of Bellatrix's hair up to her face as the Polyjuice potion broils. Ron also looks miserable, holding a lock of another Death Eater's hair. Harry and I look at each other, then back to Hermione. "Are you sure that's hers?" Harry asks, cautiously.

Hermione doesn't initially respond, glaring at the hair that once belonged to a woman we both despise. "Positive." She whispers as Ron uses a ladle to pour some Polyjuice Potion into two cups. She takes one and looks dead at me.

"I'm still offering-"

"No, Sammy. You wouldn't be able to sound like her." I nod and Hermione gives me a gentle smile. "I'll be fine. Meet me on the beach. I'll grab Griphook."

Ava appears with a set of Bellatrix's clothes, and some more Death Eater garb for Ron. "How did you-" Ron starts.

"Colson made them." Ava says quickly.

"He knows how to make clothes?" Harry questions.

I turn to him and shake my head. "Duh. How do you think he makes the novelty invisibility cloaks?"

"I didn't know that was Hedrich Corp." Harry mutters.

"Right. Need any further assistance, Hermione?" I question.

"One more thing." She pulls me by the collar into a kiss. Then she pats my collar back down. "That's all for now." She whispers.

"Alright. See you soon." With that, I lead the way out of the house and Ron heads into the bathroom. "So what has Dad been keeping you busy with, Ava?"

Ava shrugs, "Colson's kept me at your place, he's been teaching me different spells. The Invisibility charm, a tracking charm, he even taught me your signature."

"The Selective Sleeping Charm... you know, he taught me that to knock out areas of small animals back in the states. Using it as an attack is actually almost unheard of outside of myself. Even Dad doesn't use it and he created the bloody spell. And that invisibility charm is a bitch to learn, isn't it? He taught me that over the summer."

Ava nods, continuing, "After the wedding, everyone was at Colson's, he just said that you needed to complete a special mission. Dumbledore's orders. Molly was pissed, she nearly killed Colson for letting you lot go through with it."

"That does sound like Molly." I mutter.

"When Lancelot discovered the people you saved and contacted Colson, he took me to America with him. While Lancelot tracked down the families, we gathered everyone who wanted to fight. Got twelve new wizards supporting the Order."

"That's good." I hum.

Then Ron appears from the house, now disguised as a Death Eater. "What'd I miss?"

"Not much." I answer, turning back to Ava. "Think you're up for this? Coming right back into the group, I don't want to throw you into an uncomfortable-"

"I'm fine, Sam." Ava insists. I let off. Then Hermione comes towards us from the house, now in the body of Bellatrix Lestrange. Griphook is next to her, holding the sword of Gryffindor.

She looks at me hopefully, "Well? How do I look?"

I legitimately don't know what to say. I hate Bellatrix, so I'd say she's ugly, but then again, she's also Hermione. My future wife and mother to our future children. Calling her ugly just wouldn't sit right even in this form, just because it's still Hermione. Thankfully, Ron voices his opinion. "Hideous." Still harsh, but at least it wasn't me.

"At least it wasn't cat hair again?" I try, "Your voice is as pretty as ever." This gets a small smile out of a miserable Hermione, so I mentally pat myself on the back.

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