1. New York to Hogwarts

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My name is Samuel Hedrich and I am a transfer from the Awfelts School of Beginner's Magic in the United States. It's very similar to Hogwarts but it is more... dated? The whole place creaks and wallpaper peels. Students should be required to take tetanus shots before entering. The division system also led to a bit of a war among students and faculty. I thrived in that loathsome environment for three years, I led the Owls to crush everyone in our path and put an end to the childish war. I am the smartest person alive for a reason. When I was eight, I had an IQ of 145, and in four years I have, through hard study and vigorous mental training, amassed an IQ of 300. I used that intelligence to outsmart everyone and secure my place in Awfelts' history. Having nothing left to learn, I just lazed through class until I finally got the challenge I'd been waiting for, Hogwarts.

Don't get the wrong idea, I don't want to take over, I want an intellectual challenge. At Awfelts everything was about safety, I took over with one attack spell and one defense spell, at Hogwarts, I'll hopefully learn a little bit more. My Dad drives me to the pier overlooking the ocean and flicks the switch to make the car fly. When we are in the air, I look back at my home with a touch of newfound clarity. "Are you excited, son?" Dad asks, "2001. It's been 23 years since I attended Hogwarts? Damn." He beams at me, "I'm excited for you, so is your mother."

"I know." I whisper. In case you're wondering why she isn't here, when I was five, my mother got diagnosed with leukemia and refused magical interference, wanting to beat it herself, and she did, for a while. It has come back. I take a deep breath, warding away the sadness before smiling, "At this pace we won't get to London for a day."

"Three, actually." Dad smiles, "But luckily for us, I'm a genius." He pulls out a lighter, "I call this the Cash Loop."


"Your grandmother loved Johnny Cash." 

"Okay, how does it work?"

"You know what the Minstry uses? Floo Powder? It's a lot like that, but you don't need a fireplace and doesn't sell your information to the Ministry." He smiles, "It's not even in the testing phase yet!" Not in the-

"Why are you happy about that? Are you trying to kill us?!" I exclaim. Why do I have to have a batshit insane Dad?

"London!" Dad shouts at the lighter before throwing it hard out of the window. A ring of fire appears in front of us and Dad floors it straight through, I yell protests the entire way that fall on deaf ears. Suddenly we're in London traffic as Dad turns flight mode off and looks at me with a shit-eating grin. "You scream like your mother." He teases, "Sammy, I make stuff for the ministry, I know my limitations."

"Dad, I'm not a guinea pig." I murmur, shaking from the mix of fear and adrenaline.

"Nonsense! You still have your ticket, right?"

I fish around in my pocket for a moment before finding a slip of paper "Yes." I say wearily, waving it

"Good. Let's see... you brought Shakespeare, your cauldron, the robes are essentially the same and your wand. We'll get you the rest at Diagon Alley." Dad decides. I hear Shakespeare mew behind him. She was only a couple months old when we found her, although we didn't know it was a her. Her left eye had a bad infection and she was tangled in our fence. When we got her to the vet, the doctor said that if she would've made it a day later, she would've died. She survived the surgery, and afterwards, we kept her. She was very tall and proud which is how she got the name. It wasn't until Mom pointed it out that we knew she was a girl. A little late, unsurprisingly. Two of the smartest men in the world are complete buffoons.

"I still don't feel good about leaving my broom." I admit.

"School policy." Dad shrugs. "You'll be fine."

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