60. The Last Train Ride

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We all sit, crammed in our boothe with people and animals. It's silent. It's peaceful. Nothing needs to really be said. As we sit, I think about my first memories with Harry, Ron and Hermione. How I never saw Harry alone, until we fought off a basilisk together. How I met Ron and Harry, Hermione boldly asking if they'd seen Neville's frog. Just by chance, it was the boothe with these two. Ronald pigging out and Harry's broken glasses. It seems like that was so long ago. How young we all were. I think about Amos, his teaching me to be the most skilled - power and pure talent go to Harry - wizard in our year.

I remember my first time meeting Hermione. This meeting happened by chance because she wanted to double-check her list at Diagon Alley, getting lost and still feeling bright enough to talk to a kid whose Dad's jacket caught on fire. Now she's the smartest witch in the world by far and probably a future Minister of Magic.

Even Dad stepped up, saving Harry and really becoming a father to us both. Since I've been here, I've changed so much and yet – not much. I'm still an asshole, I'd still die for my friends on a dime, I'd still do so much. Even now.

I still haven't talked about Snape with Hermione, nor have I talked about Dumbledore much. I think she's starting to get worried, she knows it isn't like me to be quiet about something that's bothering me. Hell, I know she's right, I just haven't been ready to open that jar yet.

"So, any plans for the summer?" Ava asks at last.

"Nothing big. I have a summer birthday, but I'm only having a small celebration. Then me and Hermione have... plans before we go off to find the horcruxes."

"What are they?" Ron asks, cheekily, "Going off on your own for a little adventure, one can only think-"

"Something personal." Hermione snaps.

"A family thing." I add

"Oh. Sorry." Ron replies.

"Dad's tech is actually going to be useful in that." I add.

"I don't know what we'd do without Colson." Ron mutters.

"Not very much." Ava shugs.

"Hermione wouldn't be 'doing' anything... or anyone." Harry says cheekily, Hermione's face flushes a deep red. As I chuckle.

"For your information, Harry, we haven't... fornicated yet." Hermione snaps.

"And you won't ever, using words like that." Ron cracks.

"I, for one, like her vocabulary." I speak up, "A large vocabulary turns me on. I wonder where I got that." I look at Hermione who couldn't possibly be more red.

"You are all absolutely disgusting!" Hermione hisses.

"Come on, babe, we're kidding." I make kissy faces and she huffs in annoyance.


"Hey, babe. You signed up for me."

"And I'd do it again!" She snaps.

"So," Ron starts, "Did you have any plans for when you're gonna-"

"Ronald!" Hermione scolds.

"At some point after she's eighteen. That'll make her legal in the States." I answer.


As we get off the train, holding our luggage, we spot Dad and Mr. Weasley and approach them. Dad's been crying. He did know Dumbledore well, maybe better than anyone. Dad's eyes fall onto me. "Hey, Sammy. Harry." My Dad and I are almost the same height now. He pulls us both into a hug, "I'm here if you need anything. I love you both."

"Love you too, Dad." We say.

"That goes for you too, Hermione." She gives Dad a hug of her own. Ava and Ron hug Arthur. "I'll see you before long." Dad says to Arthur who nods in agreement. Dad leads us to the platform entrance. "WheyPoynts were banned, for fear of the Dark Lord getting a hold of them, so we've gotta do this the old fashioned way." We go through King's Cross station, into the parking lot and into Dad's old truck. He doesn't start the car immediately. "Dumbledore told me about his mission for you all. Not what you're looking for or why, but that you have a mission."

"You know that we're not going back?" Harry questions.

"Of course I do. I also think it's stupid, reckless, unfair to you, unrealistic wishing and, may I reiterate, stupid to send you all out on a mission that could end up in you all dying." With this rant, Dad sighs, "But, hate it as I might, Dumbledore was right. I know we can't do it. He couldn't, after all. So yes, I know, and I'm the only one that does." Dad looks at us. "I can't imagine what you three are going through. When I was your age, I was figuring out where to take Amanda on a date, how to sneak out unnoticed, pizza places to take her and Sn-" He pauses, still grief-stricken, "This is just too much for you. You're kids." He shakes his head, "You'd better be careful. That's all." Dad says at last before starting the car.

"Sammy, are you sure he's okay?" Harry whispers.

"He isn't, but he will be."

Hermione and I lay on the cool grass outside the new house. It's further away from London than I thought. A little place off Coast Road, an hour's drive from London. We're right on England's coast. Hermione's head is rested on my chest as we gaze at the stars.

"So. This time next year we'll either have beaten Voldemort or died." I say.

"Sammy, are you okay?"

"Yeah, what's up?"

"No you're not. You might be able to hide it from everyone else," She turns her head on my chest towards me, "But you can't hide it from me Sammy."

"Look, I don't want to talk about it right now, okay? I can't."

"Okay." She says, looking back up. "We still need to finish The Unprotected."

"Yeah. I know." I look down at her and sigh. Fuck it. "Look, after Snape killed Dumbledore, something in me died." I let out. Hermione sits up to listen, her face takes the spot of the moon in the sky. An infinitely better view. "I don't know, I guess I saw it coming. But after everything we'd been through. Everything he's taught me, I guess I thought I'd be wrong. I wanted to so badly. You were all right. Snape's evil. He even had the nerve to call me Sammy afterwards. After he'd just killed Dumbledore." The tears start to fall as Hermione pulls me into a tight hug. "He was my closest friend!" I weep into Hermione's shoulder as she hugs me.

"Shh. I'm here, Sammy. I love you. Shh."

"I don't want to hate him."

"I know, Sammy. I know."

"He helped me, Hermione. I was better because of him."

"I know." She whispers before kissing me on the forehead and nuzzling her cheek against mine. We sit like that for a while. Me bawling into her shoulder as she lets me. Just her presence eases me. She makes me better and to her, I do the same.

"Sammy." I hear a voice whisper after I've fallen asleep. Amos. "I'm sorry we haven't spoken since Dumbledore's parish, but I wanted to allow you some time to grieve. Some time to... process things, I suppose."

"Thank you, Amos. What about the sword?"

"The sword was just a symbol, Sammy, a very effective, powerful symbol, but a symbol just the same. It's the pocketknife I'd be worried about. You'll find out why soon enough. Its property is very important to your near future. Today, I'm going to teach you something that you know quite well, a trick that caused you much grief last year. Apparation"

"Oh dear God." I mutter, already feeling nausea.

"Yes?" Amos asks. I groan. This is gonna suck.

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