11. Second Year Students

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Me and Hermione hung out a lot over the summer, and we've changed. A bit, at least, me, I'm taller now, from five-three to five-five and I'm growing a bit of facial hair. I don't know whether or not Hermione notices, but she's going through her own... puberty problems, so I don't really want to ask her. For the third week of the past two months, she's been snappy. I discussed it with Dad and he told me the reason and... let's just say I could never be a girl. In fact, the next day, I took her out to get some ice cream, and not the cheap stuff either. Also, it turns out that some girls do like Eminem and when The Eminem Show came out, we both got a copy. It was a dun listen with her. On a sadder note; on June twenty-eighth, I celebrated my thirteenth birthday without Mom and broke down into a crying mess in front of Ron, all his immediate family, Hagrid and Hermione. The latter had to be left alone with me to calm me down. On July fourth, we travelled to a magical location where dad could test out his new animated fireworks. They didn't go to plan and Dad lost two fingers, so we dropped by Pomfrey's house and she had him regrow them.

Now we're at the wall again, which Dad opens, holding a package for Todd. As Dad visits him, we spot Ron's family and follow them. "Mrs. Weasley!" I call. She turns around excitedly but looks a little sad when it's us. "Expecting someone?"

"Harry said 'Diagon Alley' wrong while using Floo Powder."

I sigh and hand her one of Dad's teleporters, "This is one of my dad's newest inventions, it's very simple and less inconvenient than the Floo Network." She takes it. "As for Glasses, me and Golden will find him."

"Thank you, Sam, thank you Hermione, you're both a couple of sweethearts." She walks after her kids and we start to look for Harry.

"I don't know why we agreed to this. Gilderoy Lockhart is gonna be there."

"You mean that author?" I question.

"Yes, he's the greatest wizard of all time!"

I check the date, yup. Third week of August. "Yup." is all I say. I'm not poking that bear. "So... read anything good recently?"

"The Life of Pi's really good."

"I haven't gotten around to reading it yet." I shrug, then I look at Hermione, "Maybe you could read it for me."

She decides to tease me, "I don't know..."

"Oh, come on." I play along, "You read me so much other stuff."

"Why do I have to read it to you?" Now she's acting like a stuck up snarky girl, her hands on her hips express her sass. I smile a bit.

"I like the sound of your voice." Shit. I said that out loud. She blushes and is about to say something when I spot a familiar giant -- well, half giant -- with a familiar boy in glasses. "Harry! Hagrid!" I call, waving at them, we meet up with them and Hermione hugs Harry as Hagrid greets us both. "Hey Hagrid." We say in unison.

"It's so good to see you!" Hermione tells Harry.

Harry smiles at us, "It's good to see the two of you too."

"The hell did you do to your glasses, Glasses?" I grunt, his left lens is cracked.

"Oculus Reparo." Hermione casts, waving her wand. His glasses are good as new. "You need to be more careful." she scolds.

"I need to learn that spell." Harry replies.

"You'll be alrigh' now then, Harry?" Hagrid asks, to which Harry nods, "Righ'. I'll leave you to i' then."

"Bye!" Hermione says.

"See you at school, big guy!" I smile, slapping him on the shoulder

"Thank you. Bye." Harry sends the wizard off.

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