Chapter 82

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Chapter 82

In fact, at the beginning, the Qian Bureau did not think of Lu Jin that way, nor did it intend to let her take over the reformed unit.

When he first received this notice, he was also very shocked, and he didn't even know what to do. He has worked in the power supply bureau for decades, and he has always been proud of being a staff member in the system. He has always upheld a feeling of dedicating everything to the country and the government, but now everything has changed, and he also has a momentary daze at this moment.

It was because he had never heard of this new policy before, and he himself was confused, so he couldn't help but panic a little. Fortunately, he was notified to go to a meeting shortly after, and the discussion was about this policy. The new policy of separation of enterprises.

When he came back from the meeting, he would have some confidence in his heart and have some understanding of the content of this policy. He originally planned to wait until he returned to inform the news. Maybe it was because he was used to it over the years and something happened. Son, he always likes to chat with the old chief, and after thinking about it, he turned to go to the old chief again.

Such a big reform, the old chief naturally also received news. In fact, not only the power system needs to be reformed, but all other industries will face this step next, so when the money bureau came, when he saw his face, the old chief knew him. Came for this.

"You just came back from a meeting?"

Qian Ju nodded and said, "Yes, you already know?"

"Since you came to me, it seems that you have some doubts about this policy in your heart." The old chief looked at him and said with certainty.

"It doesn't count. Mainly I'm used to it now, and I think the development of the unit is quite good. After the separation of government and enterprise, what should I do?" The Qian Bureau did not say that it did not support this reform. He was just a little confused, where should he go after the reform?

"The decision made above is also in line with the development of national conditions. Now the market economy is implemented, and only the market economy can radiate greater vitality. In the past, we used the government to control the development direction of decision-making in a unified way, but this method is no longer applicable. In the fast-developing economy and society, the management rights should be independent, and the development model of the enterprise should be regulated according to the market. This will be the mainstream in the future." The old chief sees it very clearly. Abandoned by the times, he was also quite emotional when he saw the rapid development outside.

"But other units haven't heard about the reform. Is it because the efficiency of our power system is not good, so we took the lead in carrying out the reform?" This is also something Qian Bureau is worried about, which makes him feel that he has neglected his duties.

Although the efficiency of their unit has improved a lot this year due to the promotion and use of energy-saving lamps, the average benefit of all counties in the province is not high. Speaking of the following counties, Lu Jindai has the best benefit. two counties.

The old chief did not comfort him, and said directly: "This should also be one of the reasons, but it is only sooner or later. The reform must be reformed." The

Qian Bureau also knew that he came here this time mainly to consult the main reasons for the reform. measures, how do they operate? He didn't want to pay everyone's salaries in the first year after the reform.

The reform did not change their leadership very much, but the positions of a few people have changed, and most people have not changed much. What has changed is only their functional scope. After the reform, the state will no longer control their leadership. Development and operation, and they are responsible for their own profits and losses, and operate independently, which is equivalent to changing from a state-owned enterprise to a private enterprise, but they still hang the name of a state-owned enterprise.

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