Chapter 49

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Chapter 49

In the next two days, they went to other people in the village to go around. Although every household would plant a few oranges, they did not plant them on a large scale. Grandpa Heizi was already the most planted.

Fortunately, all the oranges were of good quality. Xie Yi originally came for this matter, so he didn't think about it for too long, so he accepted all the oranges.

However, he is not purely doing good deeds. After all, he is doing business, and because the amount of purchases is relatively large, the price must be lower than retail sales in the market, but even so, the villagers are still very grateful to them. But it's just eating at home. If you can't finish it, it will even rot. I don't think it can be used to make money to supplement the family. This is already a pleasant surprise.

But not everyone wants to sell them. After all, they didn't expect it, but now seeing that some people are willing to accept these oranges, and I heard that they can sell them in the city, they naturally feel that they give less money. People moved carefully.

If others can sell, why can't they? It's not up to them to decide how much to sell like this, but they know that such middlemen will deduct a large amount of money, and the money they give them may only be a fraction.

For this kind of person, Xie Yi does not force it. Buying and selling is what you want and I want. He originally came here with a bit of charitable nature, and the price he gave is the most fair in the market. After all, he There are also transportation costs, labor costs, and contact people to go around, etc. Do these people really think that doing business is such an easy thing?

Here Xie Yi was busy buying oranges, and Lu Jin just wandered around the village to have a look. She also rode her bicycle to the next villages. The situation in several villages was basically the same. Just as poor.

At this time, many villages outside do not talk about all-brick houses, but at least the walls and roofs with some ability must be covered with bricks, otherwise it is easy to leak in windy and rainy houses, but the villages here There are still several households in thatched houses, which is enough to see everyone's economic level.

And the surrounding roads are even more bare, not to mention the wires, not even the shadow of the poles.

Indeed, in such a case, pulling the wire seems very unnecessary.

In the afternoon of the next day, the person that Xie Yi contacted came over and packed the oranges away. That person came by car and was the most common pickup truck on the market.

When the car

came over, all the villagers came out to see it. This was the first time the villagers had seen the car with their own eyes. Some of them even inquired about the wages of the truck drivers. They heard that they earned more in a month than they earned in a year. Many villagers immediately envied them, but no one taught the skill of driving, so it was very difficult for them to learn it, and even if they learned it, they would not own a car!

Lu Jin listened to the discussions of the villagers by the side, and felt that this was a good thing. Sometimes poverty is due to the lack of news, and if you are envious of others, you will know to work hard.

In short, this trip to the village by Lu Jin and Xie Yi was considered to have opened up a new world for the people in the village. For the first time, they knew that oranges could also be sold for money, and that drivers outside made so much money.

After returning to the county seat, Lu Jin immediately went to the county government building.

It is said that it is the county government building. In fact, it is not that luxurious. It is only one floor more than their power supply bureau. It looks as old from the outside.

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