Chapter 41

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Chapter 41

"What's the matter? I heard that some of you have been replaced by school places?" As soon as they came in, they asked directly, very curious, "Can this school place still be replaced?"

"It's me, my school place. I was replaced." Lu Jin stood up and said, repeating the ins and outs of the matter.

The public security comrades were also angry. They thought it was a joke before they answered the police. After all, it was the first time they had encountered such a thing. How serious and sacred is the senior high school entrance examination, and how could someone really play tricks here?

For children from rural areas, going to school may be their only chance to change their destiny. This incident ruins their whole life. The person who did this is too much!

All of a sudden, their faces became serious, and they asked earnestly, "You said you have evidence?"

"Yes, I have my identity certificate, and the school also has the student registration files of the people who were admitted at the beginning. You can check it." Jin pointed to the information on the table and said.

The two police officers stepped forward and looked at the documents, and they could indeed match up: "So, you were the one who was admitted to the school at the beginning, but this girl came to school for your quota, so you didn't have any school to go to. , isn't it?"

Lu Jin nodded and said, "But she doesn't seem to admit it, which makes the school very embarrassed. That's why we thought about letting the police comrades find out the truth, so as to save some people from saying that I wronged her!

" After the police came, You Jia was always a little nervous. Although she had been prepared before, she also knew that if it was really investigated, her things would not be able to withstand investigation, and she had been in a situation where she would be imprisoned for it. in fear, so he didn't dare to speak for a while.

Now I finally calmed down and regained my senses, no, she must not go to jail, this matter must not be found out!

"Don't listen to her nonsense! I didn't do such a thing at all, the admission notice was given to me! I...I'm just called Lu Jin? Why, don't people have the same name?" You Jiayi insisted that she would never admit it anyway.

The reason for this even sounded inexplicable to the public security next to him, what is it? Who has two different names and last names?

But she insisted that they really have no choice, and it is not impossible. The current household registration system is not so strict, and the rural areas are more relaxed. It is very convenient to change the name or something, as long as you say hello. With this identification, it is really impossible to

convict .

Based on the police and their years of experience and intuition, they can almost conclude that Lu Jin did not lie, but there is a lack of clear evidence, and she is a little girl, so they are not easy to implement some methods in his hands. She was advocating civilized interrogation, so she killed her and shouted injustice. At this time, they really had nothing to do.

Lu Jin sneered and said, "Do you have no IQ? You are arguing in front of the police. I have known you for more than ten years, and I have never heard of your name? Is it right? You can say such things, don't you think?"

After speaking, she didn't bother to continue talking nonsense with You Jia, and said directly to the police: "Comrade police, go to our countryside and school to check, You know what I said is true or false."

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