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SHERLOCK HELD OUT HIS PALM expectantly, and Poppy placed it there while taking great caution of the smears of water on the latex

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SHERLOCK HELD OUT HIS PALM expectantly, and Poppy placed it there while taking great caution of the smears of water on the latex.

          "Got anything?" Lestrade asked as he bounced on his heels and clasped his hands behind his back. "Not much."

          "She's German." Poppy rolled her eyes as she rose to a stand. Anderson was back, contradicting himself by contaminating the crime scene with his own presence. He was showing off his deduction skills like he was an Agatha Christie heroine. "Rache." They looked at him as they waited for an elaboration. "It's German for revenge. She could be trying to tell us something—"

          "Yes, thank you for your input." Sherlock said bluntly, slamming the door to the room as he checked something on his phone.

          "So, she's German?"

          "Are you really going to listen to anything he has to say?"

          "Of course she's not. She is from out of town though. Intending to stay in London for one night before returning home to Cardiff. So far, still so obvious." His back was still turned to them.

          "Sorry — obvious?" John spluttered. Poppy looked bewildered. Lestrade was concentrating hard on making a mental note of all of the new information being pelted at him.

          "What about the message though?"

          "Doctor Watson, what do you think?"

          "Of the message . . . ?"

          "Of the body. You're a medical man."

          "You do know that there is a team of highly trained professionals right outside, don't you?"

          "They won't work with me."

          "For the last time, that's not what they're — no. I'm breaking every rule letting you in here."

          "Yes, because you need me."

          Lestrade conceded, "Yes I do . . . God help me." Poppy gave him a comforting pat on the shoulder.

          "Doctor Watson!"

          "Hm?" John looked to Lestrade, seeking a verbal confirmation to follow through with Sherlock's wishes. "Oh, do as he says. Help yourself." He steered Poppy out of the room but his actions were stopped abruptly. "Rockefeller has to stay too." Poppy and Lestrade looked to each other, but they temporarily parted ways. He told Anderson to keep people out of the room ( Poppy suspected that this was not well received ) while she walked back and crouched down next to John who said, "What are we doing here?"

          "You're helping me make a point. You have a medical background which is valuable to me, and a female perspective is rather useful too. Especially in a circumstance such as this."

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