Alyona stood up in a fighting stance and faced her, she might look stable but only a fool wouldn't feel depleted of the energy she had now. She was a species with different strengths. Even the strong ones among the incarnations found it hard to move. However, there was a person who wasn't troubled by her pressure at all.

"I have been waiting, Shin Yoosung," Shin Yoosung slowly turned toward the man. "...Captain?" It was a short encounter but Shin Yoosung instantly realized something. "Captain was waiting for me... this isn't the first time you have seen me? Right?" Yoo Jonghyuk nodded, "I need your help."

"Before that, what regression are you on now?" Alyona tried to say something but she vomited out blood, "Why are you wondering?" I tried to say something myself but in my current predicament? "I need to know." Yoo Jonghyuk hesitated for a moment before replying. "The third time."

"Ah, I see... Then you met me in the second regression. Right?" She was the reason why Yoo Jonghyuk could reach the 46th scenario in the second regression. "Yes," It was thanks to the Disaster of Floods in front of us. The Disaster of Floods was Shin Yoosung from the 41st world line. She came to the past because of the Yoo Jonghyuk of the 41st regression. 

Shin Yoosung was abandoned by his world, traveled for many years, and eventually descended into a scenario of the past Earth. "This is the third regression, I gave you information last time but you still failed?" Alyona now using one of the stones regained a portion of her energy...

"That's why I need more information," In the second regression Shin Yoosung chose Yoo Jonghyuk and gave him all the information she knew. It was a final consideration for the Yoo Jonghyuk that she knew, It was only for the second regression.

"...It took thousands of years." Shin Yoosung said in a trembling voice, I could feel countless years of fatigue piled up in Shin Yoosung's expression. The things done by the 41st round Yoo Jonghyuk were worse than murder. For thousands of years, This period was enough to make a person collapse and for their ego to wear down. 

"Captain, do you know how hard it was for me? I endured all these years to comply with your request." Shin Yoosung endured all that time and finally became a disaster. "...What do you mean?" Alyona approach me and tried to hit my pressure point but can't do anything...

"I wanted to see Captain," Yoo Jonghyuk didn't see the despair in Shin Yoosung's smile. He nonchalantly opened his mouth. "Give me all the information from the 41st regression. Did the future me say anything?" Alyona left my side and went behind Yoo Junghyuk, completely undetected.

I wanted to shout at him but my voice wouldn't come out. Shin Yoosung's eyes were as calm as the eye of a storm. Only I could read the turbulent emotions hidden deep in her eyes. "Remember my words... If this goes wrong, it's your fault..." Yoo Junghyuk visibly froze on his spot.

「 Nothing has changed. 」

"I'm sorry, I won't be able to help you, I'll use my remaining strength to blow a fatal attack... stay here." I nodded at her and watch the scene in front. Thanks to Yoo Jonghyuk, Shin Yoosung moved alone in the labyrinth of worlds for over 1,000 years. She worked for 200 years for the sake of humanity. She kept her promise to defend the world for 200 years. 

Then for another 200 years, she remembered Yoo Jonghyuk and her companions. Throughout the years, Shin Yoosung used a handful of memories to protect herself. However, questions rose the more she remembered. Time erased her cause and sense of justice. Once the cause disappeared, only the poor human truth remained.

「 What does all of this mean? 」

She felt resentment towards Yoo Jonghyuk who turned her and her companions into a tool of 'regression.' Loneliness and despair of losing the world permeated her bones.  "Captain has never changed," Shin Yoosung hated Yoo Jonghyuk who made her into this. "Don't say unnecessary things and turn over the information, I don't have time."

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