Sick day (Luke x Zander) (Fluff)

Start from the beginning

Luke rolled onto his side so him and Zander were facing each other. He then shuffled himself closer and kissed Zander on the cheek

"Luke, don't.." Zander said "as much as I love you, you can't kiss me right'll get sick..."

"So what if I do..?" Luke asked in response. He tapped Zander's nose lightly. "Just means I'll get to spend a lot more time with you"

Zander blushed. It was slightly hard for Luke to tell since his face was still flushed from the fever, but he could tell at least a bit. "I love you.." he smiled at Zander, who smiled back and said "I love you more.."


Much later after a long day of Zander and Luke spending time together, it was time for Luke to head home

"Do you have to leave..?" Zander asked. Him and Luke were sitting on his bed

"Yeah, sorry.." Luke said. "But I can come back and see you again tomorrow.."

Zander smiled and leaned his head on Luke's shoulder. "Thanks again for coming over...and bringing all that stuff..." he said smiling "you really didn't have to do either of those..."

"Hey, I'm not gonna not visit my boyfriend when he's so sick.." Luke said, hugging Zander. "And as for the gift basket, I just wanted to make sure you're I thought "I'll just get him everything he may need".."

Zander smiled up at Luke then kissed him on the cheek. At that moment, Hailey walked in

"Luke, your mom's here" she said, making both Luke and Zander look over at the door. "Okay" Luke responded. Hailey left, them Luke got up and left too with Zander close behind

Once Luke was in the car on his way home, Hailey turned back to Zander. "So, you two have fun?" she asked him "I mean, as much fun that could be had while you're sick"

Zander nodded. "You feeling any better?" Hailey asked. "Slightly.." Zander sighed. "My head hurts.."

"Go take medicine" Hailey said, which quickly made Zander give her a slight glare in disgust. "After the stuff I had to breathe in today? I think I can suffice"

"Zander, now."

"Fine!" Zander sighed, rolling his eyes as he headed inside. Hailey giggled as she shut the door on her way in. "Well, clearly you're feeling better"

"What's that supposed to mean." Zander called from the kitchen cabinet, where he was grabbing his medicine he left there when him and Luke were in there.

"Oh, nothing!" Hailey called back sweetly


*Ding dong ding*

The front door opened, and Hailey saw Luke standing there. "Hey Hailey!"

"Hi Luke!" Hailey smiled "you here to see Zander?"

Luke nodded. "He's still asleep right now, but you can stay down here till he's awake"

Luke smiled and entered the house, leaving his shoes by the door. Both of them headed to the kitchen. Luke sat down at the table while Hailey began to get herself a bowl a cereal

"Hey, Hailey..?"

Hailey turned and looked at Luke. "Yeah, Luke?"

"Is...he any better today..?" Luke asked

"I wouldn't know, he hasn't woken up yet" Hailey said. "But he did seem better last night after you had left"

Luke smiled. At that moment, they heard a voice from the stairs

"Did I really sleep this late..?"

Hailey and Luke's heads both turned to the stairs simultaneously, only to see Zander walking down looking exhausted. Hailey nodded at Zander's question. "Believe me, you slept a whole heck of a lot later the last time you were sick"

Zander nodded, then saw Luke at the table. "Luke..? When did you get here?"

"Few minutes ago" Luke smiled as he got up from the table and walked over to Zander. "Are you..feeling any better...? At all..?"

Zander nodded as Luke put his arms around him. "I'm really tired, but yeah..I'm feeling a lot better.."

"That's great..!" Luke smiled. He quickly kissed Zander before the two of them headed to the table and sat down, at the same moment Hailey was sitting down with her bowl of cereal

"Milk before or after cereal?" Luke questioned jokingly. "Definitely after" Hailey said, and Zander nodded. "I agree" Luke smiled. (A/N: apologies to people who like it the other way around ^^;)

Zander suddenly sneezed, making Luke look at him quickly. "Are you sure you're feeling better...?" He asked. Zander nodded. "I mostly feel okay...I just have a bit of a stuffed up nose, but other than that, yeah..I'm fine"

Luke nodded then kissed Zander on the cheek, making him smile


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