"I can't leave my home or loved one behind." I restated, lifting Aiden's chin up. "But I can visit. If this village will be close by I can always drop in from time to time. I have mirror shards that can open a portal to anywhere I wish to go."

"But what if that does't work?"

"Then I can make wings to fly." I flared my cloak changing it to wings. The wonder in his eyes warmed my heart. "Wow! You really are an angel! Can you really fly with them?"

"Not these wings. " They changed back. "Part of the deal in me coming down to help you is that I have to stay in human form, and humans don't have wings." Seeing the disappointment in his eyes an idea flickered in my mind. "I can make you fly, do want to me to show you how."

The excitement in the boy's face would have warmed the hardest of hearts. " How!?"

"First climb up on my back. Make sure you hold on tight." I crouched down letting him climb up,slowly rising . "Are you holding on?" I turned my head, feeling him tighten his arms around my shoulders. "Your feet too." He wrapped his legs around my waist. "Ready?"


"Off we go!" I flared my wings and ran, sprinting seamlessly across the grounds while flapping my wings in long arcs. Aiden's joyous cries music behind my ears. His laughter pealed through the subdued quiet of the castle grounds. The refugees turned and watched, even Greta paused to smile, but I didn't pay much attention to them. I was having just as much fun as Aiden.

I leaped off the ground in short airbursts, fluttering my wings as I glided in small bounds. Aiden's joy rang through my ears. "Do that again!!" I jumped and fluttered, the sunlight reflecting off my wings before landing and skidding to a stop. "Hows that for flying?"

"That was amazing!" Aiden chortled hugging me around my collarbone. I couldn't help but laugh. "Can we do it again?"

"Sure." I panted. "Let me just catch my breath."

"I want to fly too." A small child ran to me.

"Me too!" Chimed another.

"Can you make me fly Angel Lady?"

Soon I was mobbed by a pack of children from Danesti and the refugee caravans begging for me to make them fly.

"No, go away!" Aiden yelled. "She's my Guardian Angel!"

"She came to help us first!" Stamped a girl from Danesti.

"My Nana said was sent from Heaven to help us!" Yelled a boy from Lassa.

"Kids, I'm here to help everyone!" I shouted, using a trickle of my divine voice. The children immediately hushed. "I will give each of you turns to fly." The children cheered excitedly. "It's only fair." I told a scowling Aiden.

The castle grounds, once solemn and silent, now filled with the laughter of children and the fluttering flap of pearly wings. Each got a turn while the others watched in awe. Aiden forgot his jealously, and joined in on the fun. Somehow carrying one child while the rest watched evolved into me carrying one child with them chasing after me, then a gaggle of children chasing a flapping chortling Angel.

"Look, up there!" Aiden stopped, pointing to a ledge on the castle's lower tower. "He's watching us do you see him?"

"I sure do." I smirked, looking straight at Alucard observing us far above. He perched elegantly, sitting still as a statue, and hadn't the wind rippled through his hair and cloak, he could've easily been mistaken as one.

"He is watching us!"

"He's been watching us the whole time!"

"Is he going to eat us?"

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