Chaos's son + a new mission

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Disclaimer-all characters belong to Rick riordan
Thalia pov
5000 years later
5000 years later, and me and Percy are married! Finally! So are Jason and Reyna. Anyways, chaos made Percy his son, though he is like I father to all of us. I disowned Zeus as my father and Rey did the same tho bellona because we wanted an end to our old lives. We go on missions every week to different planets and it's awesome, especially with my friends there, but we're like siblings really. The best news is- we got to bring back 5 people from the dead!They are:

Luke- sword, adopted son of Uranus
Ethan-revenge, adopted son of nyx
Zoe-stars, adopted daughter of Uranus
Silena-dove, adopted daughter of Eros
Beckendorf-forge, adopted son of aether

We also have an army of 5,000 soldiers under our command. Chaos called us to the planning room after a long training session in the training room, looking extremely nervous. "I have a new mission for you, even though you probably won't like it," he said. We all looked at each other. All of the missions he sent us on have been hard, sure, but fun. "What is it, dad," "your going back to earth.Kronos and some other titans have risen and you need to go help them, because you all know the Olympians are better rulers than the titans, and you will have to go sort out problems in earth every week if the titans end up ruling," "fine, atleast everyone there would not know us since it has been 5000 years," said Jason. "But we're not going back there ever again," "Perfect," beamed chaos, "you leave in an hour, also in earth only 5 years past by, since 1000 chaos years = 1 earth year ," he ran for the door, each of us shooting blasts of out power at him. Silena shot blasts of love, beckedorf shot fire, luke shot pure energy, and Ethan ran around the room at lightning speed, grabbing throwing knives and throwing it at everybody.But Percy and Jason just sat on the floor, looking like they rather do anything that go back to earth. Once everyone calmed down, we went to our rooms to pack. We then went back to the planning room where chaos gave us our hoods that cover our head so no one can know our identities. No one can remove them except those on the army and our selves. "Alright, I'll go first," Chaos stepped into a portal. A few minutes later, he stepped out again. "All clear," he announced. "Ready?" said Percy. I nodded. He kissed me, and I saw Jason do the same to Reyna and beckendorf do the same to silena.
Together, we stepped in to the portal.

A/N sorry this is so short there will be a longer chapter coming out later today or tomorrow
Also the next chapter will be what powers everyone has

Percy Jackson, Son of ChaosDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora