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Syria and I had a meeting with my guards. They have pictures and videos of my wife.

Guard: So, we did everything like you told us to do. We also ask your wife's best friend.
Me: Did you tracked their location
Guard: No Boss. They smashed everything and we thought that she will used her dad private jet. We had different employee replace.
Me: so, they was step head of us.

Now I'm getting pissed off. I just want my wife by side. Syria and I went to my office to talk about everything. I'm so happy to have my best friend with me.

Syria: You know I'm disappointed in you.
Me: why?
Syria: You forced Nicole to marry you. Did you ask her the marriage and her feelings
Me: No I do not.

Hang my head in shame. The truth is I'm not like my cousin Ashley. But I'm worse. Just dream about having her naked and with her leg spread open to see her fat pussy. My pussy is aching for her. Think about sending shivers to my body. I heard a book that fell on the floor. I didn't realize that I zone out.

Syria: Did you hear me?
Me: No
Syria: I was saying that you need to chill from Nicole
Me: Why?
Syria: Because forcing Nicole to marry you was wrong and she had a relationship for 8 years and they broke up for 3 years now. You think she willingly give you love and stay by your side
Me: I don't care. Yes she will.
Syria: You are like Your cousin Ashley.

When Syria said that. It hit me hard and have I been acting like Ashley now. No I'm acting like Ashley and I'm disappointed in myself. My parents are right.

After talking with Syria. We left for lunch. We saw Nicole cousin Victoria. She was coming our way. The way she look with pity and disappointment in her eye.

Vic: Amber what did you do to my cousin.
Me: I forced her to marry me.
Vic:What give you the right force my uncle to force my beloved cousin.
Me: I'm Sorry. But I'm not sorry. I love her at first sight.

Victoria sits down and looks at me with sympathy. I was about to talk and Victoria cut me off.

Vic: I know. I've been in my cousin shoe be before. You should know what I'm talking about.
Me: I'm sorry Vic. I didn't thought about. I'm sorry for what my cousin done.
Vic: Did you know what Ashley did to me.
Vic: When we first date she was sweet and kind. About 3 month in of dating. She asked me if I was ready to have sex. I told her no. She did not like when I said no.

She give me sympathetic smile. I'm so stupid and now I'm doing the same thing with Nicole. Why doesn't she love me like I do.  I really don't know what to do? 

Vic: I get that you love my cousin but you should handle it differently. 

Me: I know but how should I handle it.

Vic: By asking her on a date. 

Looking  at Victoria she was right and could have handled it differently. But how can I fix the situation. When Nicole does not want anything to do with me. I don't know where she is. 

Syria and Victoria look at me with the knowing look. The first thing I should be doing is fix the contract with President Simmons. Then I should apologize to Nicole.  Sort out our marriage and live happily.  

Me: Victoria has you forgiving Ashley.

Vic: Yes I have but I don't want to see her.

Me: Why?

Vic: How can I forget the beatings and being raped. Tell me how I can forget that. Anyway I have something to tell you.

Me: What is it?

Victoria said to turn on the tv. By tomorrow around 3 o'clock.  After Victoria left and I give Syria a look that I'm clues. 

We went back to work. To finish some paperwork. I saw my office door open. I walked in and saw my cousin Ashley. Sitting at my desk. Looking worse when I last saw her. 

Me: Ashley is that you

Ashley: Yes

Me: What are you doing here?

Ashley: I'm looking for Vic.

Me: You know she does not want to see you

Ashley: What about your wife.

Ashley I talked to her about a few hours ago. She told me that she is forgiving you but won't forget what happened to her. I can see a little relief in her eyes. She got up and walked to me and said don't be like me my beloved cousin. Give Ashley a hug and a kiss on the cheek.  She left my office immediately and I started my work.  After a few hours I was getting tired and went home.


I went to my cousin's Amber office. To talk about my situation and I want my baby back..  What I did to her was wrong  and I can forgive myself.  I walked out of the building and went home. To start changing myself.  The first thing i did started to pack everything.  This house gives me a bad memory.  I called the moving service  to help me move  to my new place. I bought it about 3 months ago.  The second thing is going to counseling.  After unpacking everything I went to  my room and slept. 


Nova and Jasmine were cooking dinner for us.  We are still in New Zealand  For the event.  Tomorrow is the big day. This interview is very important to me. This is going to show that no one can cage me. I might be married by force. But I'm not the type of girl that will do what she was told. 

After dinner we washed dishes and put them away.  We went to our rooms and immediately went to sleep.

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