"...what if Seokjin tries to harm you another time? What if he's deceiving the both of us?" Namjoon theorized, but you shook your head. Clearly doing so disappointed him. A sigh left Namjoon as he put his hands into the pockets of his coat. "You're too trusting, (F/n). You believed his story so easily and you're already so willing to help a creature you know nothing about. Are you sure you know what you're doing?"

"If he was trouble then Jungkook would have appeared. I have an angel on my side." You attempted to sound confident. Not that that would change Namjoon's opinion.

"And you trust this angel with your entire life too. Wonderful." Namjoon took in a breath through his nose. He was doing what he could to remain calm.

"I trust you too," You stated, causing him to raise a brow at you.

"I'm human."

"But you turn into a dragon whenever you get mad and we barely know each other," You said. Somehow what you said was making him get all huffy as he looked around in shock.

"I'm cursed!" Namjoon stomped his foot. "I didn't turn into a dragon two hundred years ago, you know!"

"That doesn't change the fact that you're strange too." You crossed your arms, amusing him.

"Well, Lady (F/n), you're one to talk. You're capable of sorcery and you willingly go against the law every day. You also talk to a bird." Namjoon glanced at Youngjo who sat quietly on Malakai's saddle. Soon his eyes were back on you. "You're quite the strange one if I do say so myself."

"Then I guess we're a compatible pair." You nodded. This wasn't what Namjoon thought he would hear. He chuckled at your words, intrigued by your thought process. You could tell he still thought you were extremely foolish and naïve, but you knew changing his mind wouldn't happen in a day. "I'll work on turning Seokjin into a human. We'll continue from there, okay?"

"If you're so confident, then so be it." Namjoon shrugged. He had a feeling he wasn't going to win with you and Youngjo was also staring at him intensely. He had to choose his words carefully. "But...are you sure what happened with Seokjin is alright? You must have been terrified out of your mind."

"...I mean, I was. I kind of still am, but I know he didn't mean it in the way humans mean it." You let out a deep breath. "While it may have technically been my first kiss, I think Seokjin gaining the ability to speak our language is worth it in the long run."

"I see—wait! Your first kiss? As in you've never kissed another in your life?" Namjoon stared at you like you were a frog. You blinked at him in confusion, wondering what in the world the prince had been up to back in his days. "How old are you?"

"I'm eighteen."

"Have you never had a lover before? Shared passionate letters?" Namjoon continued to badger you as you frowned at him. You didn't really take him as the kind to do so two hundred years ago. Truthfully, you thought the prince would be more self-absorbed and not that interested in such things.

"It's none of your concern, Namjoon. I'll be off now." You turned around to face your horse. If he was going to judge you for your lack of silly milestones, you had better things to do. Youngjo flew off the saddle as you got yourself up.

"You really are innocent..." Namjoon was in utter disbelief.

"Should I attack him?" Youngjo asked, flying in a circle above you like a vulture.

"Don't harm him, Youngjo. It's been a long day." Your words immediately made Namjoon gulp. That was one way to get him to stop talking.

Youngjo really would have harmed Namjoon if he had continued. Thankfully, that never had to happen. Once you got yourself on Malakai, you were off and didn't bother saying goodbye to Namjoon. He was too paranoid that he would be attacked by a bird. These were one of the many perks of having a raven as a best friend. Though Youngjo would claim it was the fact that he brought you many exciting gifts. While his random trinkets were appreciated, you liked his company and protective nature a little more. The both of you were laughing together on the ride back to your cottage.

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