Chapter 8

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Soul, Interrupted

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Soul, Interrupted

*7 months ago*

Dave awoke to find Lucky the Cat using his cheek as target practice. He sat up and gave the feline his customary morning scratch beneath his chin, only to have him leap up and swat his cheek again. "Cut that out!"

It was when Lucky leapt up that David noticed that his quarry was not his cheek, but the fly that buzzed above him. It was a kind he'd never seen before, with iridescent wings. Lucky had just sprouted wings to more successfully pursue it when Franny's voice rang up from the atrium, "Lucky! Breakfast!' The smart cat launched himself off the railing and down into the courtyard, disappearing into the dining hall.

A wolf whistle from behind him reminded the spy-in-training that he was naked. Since his stealth training had him unclothed half the time, he'd lost all bashfulness. The whistle, which he recognized instantly, was given again by Bono Fortuno, his other boss. He shook his head, walked over to him and grabbed his clothes, which the god had been holding in his hand, and slipped into them before Bono could blink.

"Hey!" said Bono mournfully.

"Jack Thunder's balls, Bono – are all the gods as horny as you?"

"You should meet the ones with actual horns," he guffawed. "Look, Boyo, can you help it that you're so damn gifted? No. I can't help it if I've the body and libido of a randy teenager for all eternity, either. Gimme a break, or at least a wank every now and then, and we're good. Anyroad, you've a date with a friend of mine."

"I haven't eaten yet!" Dave moaned.

"Here's a sack o' meat pies from the Leftover Lair, and some Five-Berry Fritters from yer friend, Smile Dearie. Yer classes today have been cancelled, and..."

"What!" exclaimed Dave, "They have never been cancelled! What's going on?"

"Mr. DG has a very important meeting, and Miss Evershadow agreed with Mr. Imbroglione that it was past time for you to have a day off."

"If this is my day off, why do I have the feeling there's work involved?"

"You're going to have lots of fun. Because, Boyo," smirked Bono, "You're going to meet The Fly!"

 Because, Boyo," smirked Bono, "You're going to meet The Fly!"

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