Chapter 6

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Soul, Interrupted

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Soul, Interrupted

*10 months ago*

The sun was just yawning over the horizon when Dave ("Got to accept my new identity," Sam reminded himself) sat himself down and meditated. The building was, of course, filled with the sounds of children – laughing, shouting, playing and getting ready for their day. It was life – happy, noisy and reassuring. He reached inside, and tried to see the shining ball of light that was Dave. I am a part of this new me, he thought.

He travels through memory, beginning with his ending. He sees the flames, sees Emilia in danger, the fall of the Netherkin; he sees his clansmen freed from illusion, feels the bloody sand drawn out of his body; sees his father, his late mother, his siblings; then he is sucked into memories that are old, very old – he sees the space between the stars; and, lastly, a memory stranger than anything – he is a salamander, a chameleon, shedding his skin while in Sam's pocket, and leaves the human he has been traveling with, because there will be death.

It is an odd thing, this chameleon skin; but it is a part of him, like the Great Ooze. All these are Dave Mortes. He is Dave, and Sam Everdot is but a memory. His flow is strong, electric, and...musical? He hears, with ears made anew by the Ooze, the Great Melody, and the small part that his song plays in it. He feels a soft, purring presence in his lap, kneading his thigh muscle...what?

His meditation is interrupted by Lucky, the House of Many Tots' calico cat. A small ragtag bunch of giggly toddlers run into the room and shriek, aiming for it, and tumble in a pile into Dave's suddenly empty lap. The airborne cat, which has sprouted wings, winks at him, and after circling the room (and giving Dave enough time to tickle all of the kids) leads the children into the hallway, zooming off to who-knows-where. A gentle laugh announces young Frannie Dusa.

"I see you have Tomlynn's mark, just like me. Forgive our patron god/dess – they love to tease the little ones. Anyroad, I'm here to tell you that one of our success stories, a young man called 'The Fly', has asked to meet you. He's working now as the youngest recruit the Royal Guard has ever had and teaches his own art of "street-coursing' here at the school."

"What's his real name? And why me?" questions Dave.

"If he wants to, he'll tell you his true name. And because he and Catspaw Evershadow are good friends. She thinks learning his skills would come in handy for you. Want to know what I think?"

Frannie Dusa was a year or two younger than he and looked about half that age; but her knowledge and intuition had helped to save most of Beor's street kids from slavery or death. "Of course!" Dave answered.

"I think it's because you need to have more fun!" Frannie was grinning from ear to ear. "Don't get me wrong," she continued, pointing her index finger at him (just like, Dave remembered, Sam's mom used to do), "It's going to be hard and strenuous, and you'll probably break a bone or two – but it's going to be the most fun you'll ever have in this big city! Now, off to the Assassin's Academy with you!"

Beorian Tales 16 - Soul ConventionWhere stories live. Discover now