Chapter six || Spirale

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First person://

"That was really fun." I giggle.

Damiano insists on walking me home but I struggle to keep up beside him due to his lavish pace. It seems like he's always on the run...

"Yeah, I'm glad you got to meet everybody." He sighs.
"You seemed worried." I laugh.
"Yeah they can just be...a lot" he laughed.

We stop at the door and I wrap my arms around his neck to bring him in for a passionate kiss.

"I'd love to spend to day together babe, but I have rehearsal." He groans.
"It's okay I understand!" I smile.

He stops, takes my hand and smiles.

"But you can come watch me if you want?" He suggests.
"We're working on a new song: "I WANNA BE YOUR SLAVE, and it would be nice if the influence behind it could be the fist to hear."
"I would love to come!" I beam.
"Great we'll be at the studio at 1pm." He reply's brushing my lips before turning around to leave.

I turn the knob and rush inside. So much has happened in the last couple days I haven't been able to process on my own so I'm delighted to finally have some alone time. I walk to the bathroom thinking it's probably a good idea to wash my face, I probably look like a complete wreck to Damiano but he's too much of a gentleman to admit it.


Clattering comes from the kitchen and a shiver sends down my spine.

"What was that?" I wonder.


Something smashes.

I carefully peak my head out of the bathroom door. There's nothing in sight, but things don't fall that way on their own right? I scamper cautiously towards the kitchen trying not to make the hardwood squeak.

"What the-" I stutter.

The window is completely shattered and shards of glass scatter along the floor, some pieces coated in blood. I start to panic coming up with scenarios of who could have come in.

Someone grips my waist tightly and pulls me into them.

I scream and try to break away from their arms but they cover my mouth.

"Miss me?" A familiar voice whispers in my ear.

I try to scream again but this time a syringe plunges into my neck.


My eyes open in a dim lit room. I try to look around for any method of escape... wishing I would have asked Vic now... a faint light opening is to my left I could try...

"Don't even bother." That same voice snickers.

He comes into the small light there is.

"Timothèe...?" I ask weakly.

He smirks at me beginning walk quietly towards the bed.

"Why am I here?" I mumble.
"I mean you didn't think you could get rid of me this easily right?"
"When I want something I get it." He states aggressively.

My heart pounds. A rush of anger flushes through me.

"You didn't seem to know what you wanted when you were fucking my friend!" I snap.
"As if you're so fucking innocent? You're not fooling anyone mon amour" He whispers into my ear.

I jolt trying to get out of bed not realizing my arms are tied to the bed frame. I moan in pain from the rope burn.

"I remember that." He laughs.

✦ ♡my cigarette man♡ ✦Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt