Chapter 8

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Expect the unexpected is what they said. Well for an obstetrician, expect a call at night and it never goes unexpected.

Mehek and the cousins had been playing and having fun till around three in the night. They slept late and then unfortunately, Mehek recieved a call at five.

" Madam, there is a woman in labour with an after coming head."

As soon as Mehek heard those words, all traces of slept left her body and she rushed to the hospital in her pajamas.

There was a crowd outside the labour room. It was expected. The patient was serious.

She tried going in when the relatives obstructed her path and said, " Madam, why are you going in? We are waiting for the senior doctor and she shall only enter these doors."

Mehek sighed and tried explaining that she was the senior doctor when the lady again argued, " Why are you not listening to us? I told you to move aside. My daughter is fighting for her and my grandchild's life. Please don't mess with us!"

Mehek nodded her head and moved aside to call her staff. The said staff immediately came to her rescue and guided her inside, "She is the senior doctor we were waiting for. Please let her go in."

The family quickly moved aside and let Mehek go in.

Thankfully, by the time she reached the patient, the baby was still alive but his head was stuck.

She sighed and used all her knowledge to fetch the baby out, healthy.

The newborn cried his lungs out and Mehek sighed in relief. She let the pediatrician handle the child and looked after the mother.

She came out of the labour room after some thirty minutes and saw the family members had divided equally between the newborn and the mother.

She approached the relatives and spoke with the husband, " Your wife and child both are healthy. We are just keeping the child under observation for next twenty four hours and your wife would be shifted to her room soon."

" Madam! Thank you so much for helping us. You know with the child being breech and already in labour many doctors refused to take the case. I'm just grateful you saved my kid and wife despite us behaving immaturely with you."

Mehek smiled and said, " If I would have been in your place, even I would have not let the doctor in tracks go inside. That is understandable and what I did was my job."

With those parting words, Mehek went inside to wind up her work but when she saw the time, it was already seven. It was better if she took the rounds now and so she did.

At close to eight, Mehek was free and she decided to go home, to freshen up, ofcourse. She still had the brunch to attend.


Jigar was enjoying his day's off with the peaceful sleep and no disturbances.

He woke up at seven and went for a run, came back, freshened up, ordered breakfast and had some with his parents before bidding a goodbye to them.

It was nine-thirty and he should pick up Mehek by ten. As the driver drove to her place, he called her up. She answered after two rings and said,

" Hi, are you there?"

" I'm on my way, was just calling to ask if you were ready."

" I am ready."

" Okay. I'll be there in five."

Mehek nodded and put the phone down. She did a few last minute touch ups and sat inside her room waiting for his arrival.

" Mehek! Mehek!", Her mother's voice was heard and she went outside.

" What is it?"

" Jigar is here. Come down fast." .

Mehek nodded and went downstairs to find Jigar waiting for her alongside her father.

As she approached the men, the elder one cleared his throat and Jigar diverted his eyes.

" So, I expect you will take good care of my daughter."

Jigar nodded and with his eyes, asked Mehek to follow him.

He opened the car door for him and she sat down.

Once seated, the driver started the car and Mehek looked at him expectantly.

Jigar sighed and asked, " How was the party?"

" It was fun."

He nodded, " You seem tired. Slept late?"

Mehek gasped, " Does the makeup not cover my tiredness? I spent twenty minutes on this!"

He chuckled, " It is not the makeup. You tend to sigh a lot and it seems like you are a bit irritated. All the signs of an all nighter."

Mehek gave him a faint smile, " Yeah, it was a long night. I got a call at five and we all slept at three something."

" That is the sole reason why, I never chose Gynec. At least I have a bit lesser emergencies."

" Oh please, yours is equally demanding when it comes to emergency!"

Jigar chuckled, " No denying that!"

The driver stopped the car and they had arrived at the destination.

Jigar got out and opened the door for Mehek. She smiled and got down.

They both entered the place and spotted a table for two in the corner. 

He pulled the chair for her and she thanked him and got seated.

She smiled at him as he got seated and the waiter gave them the menu cards.

After giving their respective orders, Mehek leaned her hands on the table and supported her head on them, she looked at him and asked, " All your actions today have been so gentlemanly, I tend to forget you are the same man whom I offended twice or thrice."

" I'm glad that I have been making progress. As far as those instances are concerned, I'm the same guy. "

" You mean, when we fight I'll get to see Mr. Meanie!" She exclaimed.

" Who is Mr. Meanie?" He asked.

She chuckled and pointed at him and he furrowed his brows.

" I am not Mr. Meanie! It is you who should be called Miss I-am-never-at-fault!"

She gasped and he laughed.

" See, you are a sore loser! This partnership is going to be hell interesting."

She joined him laughing and the waiter brought their orders.

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