As I stared into my closet, I knew I wanted to wear something comfy but also a little put together.  And maybe even the tiniest bit revealing.

I eventually settled on a pair of black sweatpants with butterflies on them as well as a cropped white tank top that showed a bit of skin.  I let my hair down and applied a little mascara and lip gloss before calling it a day.

I quickly went to Minho's apartment and rang the doorbell.  After a few seconds, he opened the door, staring at me.

"What?" I asked, narrowing my eyes.

"Nothing," Minho said, shaking his head. "I like the fit."

"Thanks," I smiled, as we stood there for an awkward few seconds. "Are you gonna let me in or no?"

"Hm I don't know if I should," Minho started, smiling.

"Why?" I asked suspiciously.  "Do you not need help moving?"

"No, it's not that," Minho said, dragging out his words.  "I still remember what you did last time, right before you left."

It took me a few seconds but the realization hit me.  The way I seemed like I was going in for a kiss but instead abruptly left. He still remembers that?

"Well it seems like I don't remember," I started, playing along.  "Care to enlighten me?"

"We were exactly like this," Minho said, motioning to how we were standing.  "You, getting ready to leave."

"Yes, I remember that part," I said, letting him continue.

"You looked down at my lips," Minho explained, slowly dropping his eyes to my lips.  My heart was starting to beat faster as he kept going.  "You stared at them for a long time and even leaned in closer..."

Minho's words became more and more dragged out as he took a step forward, becoming extremely close to me.  I felt my breathing quicken as I subconsciously leaned in too.  Just as I was about to flutter my eyes shut and feel his soft lips on mine, Minho pulled away.

"And then you left," he stated abruptly, increasing the distance between the two of us.

"Well I came back, did I not?" I asked, folding my arms.

Minho leaned his head back in frustration, giving me the perfect view of his jawline and neck.

Hana, you need to keep it together.

He then peeked out of the doorway and looked side to side, checking if anyone was near.  He quickly pulled me in and slammed the door shut, pinning me against the door.

Before I could process anything that was happening, his lips were on mine.

This kiss was completely different than the last one.  This was urgent, messy, and needy.

One of Minho's hands cupped my face as the other travelled along my back, giving me chills.  His entire body was pressed up against mine as he kept kissing me.

His lips eventually left mine and they trailed down my neck, leaving kisses everywhere.  I gasped as he hit a sensitive spot, which he took as a cue to keep kissing me there.  My fingers ran through his soft hair, urging him to keep going.

When he finally pulled away, I knew that he left a hickey.  My hand immediately darted up to the spot on my neck as I placed my fingers there.

"It's pretty," Minho said satisfied, removing my hand from my neck.  He still held my hand as he kissed the spot one more time.

"What do you mean pretty?" I asked, slightly annoyed.  "It's going to be so hard to cover this up!"

"That's what's so great about it," he chuckled, leaning in to kiss my lips once more.  He pulled away sooner than I would've liked, but it was probably for the better.

Who knew how much longer I'd be able to control myself around this man.  If I haven't already lost control, that is.

"Time to do what you actually came here for?" Minho suggested, dragging me to the living room, which was now filled with boxes.  We were still holding hands and my heart was still racing

"That's probably a good idea," I nodded.


AHHHFIWEWFO ok so like i actually wrote this a while ago and reading back on it... i dont know.  i'm really not comfortable with or used to writing shit like this so pls pls let me know if you want more of this or I should just stop lol (and please be honest, i'm always open to the criticism) :D

on another note, consider voting if you like the story so far!! i appreciate every single one of you guys <3

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