Sexy Passions (11)

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Ava sighed as she woke in bed. She saw her phone ringing. She picked it up and saw Tom was calling.

Ava declined the call. Not wanting to speak to him. She knew she had told him to prove that he wanted her. But she didn't trust that he would. She didn't trust him to prove it.

Ava quickly climbed out of bed and sighed as she jumped in the shower. As soon as she was ready, she left the house. She knew she would have to deal with Tom at work. But there would be more people around so she wouldn't have to talk about what she had told him.

Ava went into work. She walked over to Adalynn and smirked. "So... I would love to know. What's going on with you and Max? Considering he followed you out the toilets."

Adalynn groaned. She shook her head. "Nothing happened. He wanted it to. I wanted it to. But I'm not doing things how he wants. I'm doing it how I want."

"Good girl. What do you want?"

"I want him."

Ava smirked and nodded. She looked to her. "Then get him. You're irresistible babes. You know that right?"

Adalynn shrugged and smiled. "Yeah maybe."

Ava stood in the staffroom. She looked up as Tom walked in. He looked to her. "You've been avoiding my calls and my texts. Why?" He asked.

"Because you're not proving that you do want me. All you're doing is calling me. And I'm 100% certain you're calling me because you want sex," Ava said.

Tom rolled his eyes. He looked to her. "Stop being so silly. I've been calling to ask if you wanted to go for dinner. But you clearly don't seem interested," he told her.

Ava scoffed. "You don't prove it to me though. Most of the time you call me, it's for sex. And it's doing my head in," she said.

"Well let me take you for dinner. Just me and you. Away from this place. I want to prove that I do want you," Tom said as he smiled.

Ava found herself nodding. She smiled. "Okay. You can pick me up tonight and then we can go somewhere for dinner," she told him.

"Okay. That's all I want," Tom said as he turned and walked off.

Ava stood there and sighed. She hated how everything was a complete mess. And she couldn't handle it.

Ava walked into the office where Adalynn was. She sighed. "Tom and I are going for dinner. Send help," she said.

"You'll be fine. Just don't give into him wanting sex. Stand your ground with him. It's the only thing you can do," Adalynn told her.

Ava sighed. "Part of me is scared. That I'm just going to give into him and have sex. I don't wanna have sex with him until we've established what we are," she said.

Ava was sitting in the flat waiting for Tom. He told her he was picking her up at half past six. It was nearing 7pm. Ava grabbed her phone and tried calling him. She didn't get an answer.

Ava knew she wasn't interested in his excuses anymore. But she had no idea how Tom was currently standing in a room with his girlfriend.

Sexy passions *T. Clarkson*Where stories live. Discover now