Sexy passions (10)

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Ava knew she had no idea what she was going to do about Tom. She knew that it was all a huge mess and she didn't know what she was going to do.

When she woke that morning, she sighed as she saw Tom asleep in bed next to her. She knew that despite what she said, she couldn't resist him. She never could.

Tom opened his eyes and smiled. "See. You know that we have something special. You can't deny that," he told her.

Ava rolled her eyes. "It was just sex Tom. That's all," she told him as she stood from the bed and looked to him.

Tom smirked. "We'll see shall we?" He said as he got out of the bed and left the bedroom.

Ava walked into work and sighed. She saw Adalynn and walked over. "I need massive help."

"What did you do?"

"I slept with Tom. Again."

"Ava! You have to stop. You're messing with your own head here babes. You gotta stop it," Adalynn told her.

Ava nodded and sighed. "I know. I can't help it at all. I just... I don't know. Maybe I can. I just can't stop thinking about him. And I know I shouldn't but it's hard," she told her.

Adalynn rolled her eyes. She looked to her. "I know It's hard. Believe me. I want to seduce Max Tyler into my bed. And yet I'm not. because I can see he's with Kim. And I'm not wrecking that."

Ava smirked. "You're miles better than Kim. So I don't understand why you're not getting your man," she told her.

Adalynn rolled her eyes. "Do we really think Max is going to give up his queen Kim for me?"

"I would."

Ava was sitting in the staffroom. Rachel walked in and smiled. "Hey love. How you doing?" She asked as she looked to her.

Ava nodded. "I'm okay. Just got stuff going on in my mind. And I'm trying to make it through today without falling asleep," she said with a smile on her face.

Rachel smiled. "Oh love. You're lovely aren't you?"

"I am indeed. Don't worry about it. I've got this."

"Whatever it is, I know you have got this. Okay?"


Ava walked into toms classroom. She looked to him. "You have to stop trying to seduce me. I can't keep doing it anymore Tom. I really can't."

Tom pulled her close and smirked. "You love it though."

"Maybe I do. But it can't keep happening. It really can't. I need my own life that doesn't involve dropping my knickers for you."

Tom smirked as he kissed her neck. Ava groaned. "No. Stop it," she said as she pulled away from him. She sighed.

"I've said I want you. What more do you need?"

"I need more than your words Tom! I need actions. Actions that show me how much you want me. And not just when your balls need emptying," Ava said.

Ava found Adalynn walking out of the toilets. What shocked her most was Max behind her. "Well well. What do I have here?" She asked.

Adalynn shook her head. "Don't even ask. He followed me in there. Goodbye Max."

Ava looked to her best friend and sighed. "I told Tom I need more than words. I need actions. It's his choice now."

Adalynn smiled and nodded. She looked to her. "At least you've made a start at taking control."

Ava nodded and sighed. But could she trust Tom to prove that he wanted her?

Sexy passions *T. Clarkson*Where stories live. Discover now