Sexy passion(1)

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Ava Mason smiled to herself as she got to work. It was her first day at Waterloo road. Her mum had managed to pull some strings and managed to get her the job as an art teacher. 

Ava had only been teaching a year but she knew that she was good at her job. Ava stood from her car and sighed as she walked school and smiled as she saw rachel who was waiting for her

"hi mum" Ava said as Rachel hugged her and smiled

"how are you love" rachel asked as ava looked to her and smiled

"I'm good, shall we get going" ava said as Rachel nodded

"I'll introduced you to the staff" rachel said as ava smiled. Ava walked to the staffroom and smiled a she glanced around. Ava felt nervous.

She knew that she was Rachel's daughter but she didn't want it to seem as if she had got the job because she was the heads daughter

"everyone I'd like you all to meet my daughter Ava, she's the new art teachers here" rachel said as ava smiled as she made eye contact with someone who walked over to her

"hi I'm Tom clarkson, English. Pleasure to meet you" he said as he shock her head as ava looked to her and smirked

"pleasure is all mine" Ava said 
Ava walked into the staffroom at break and saw Tom. Ava knew that she found him attractive and that she wanted to more about him. Ava walked over to him and smiled

"how do you take it" he asked

"milk, two sugars" ava said as Tom nodded as he made her a cuppa and smiled

"so how long have you been here" Ava asked as Tom looked to her and smiled

"a while. My wife worked here, well my ex wife she had ms and my fiancée was killed about six months ago. She was stabbed" Tom said as ava looked to him and frowned. She couldn't help but feel bad for him

"I heard about a stabbing I'm sorry" ava said as she placed a hand on top of his and smiled

"it's okay, I'm looking after her girls they're what matter" Tom said as ava nodded, Ava saw davina looking at her and glaring

"and is there something going on with you both" ava asked as Tom sighed

"she wants to, but I'm not ready. Not for a full commitment which is what she wants. The girls have to come first" Tom said as ava smiled.

Ava knew that their was something about Tom that she wanted and she knew he had been through a lot and that it wasn't going to be easy

Ava sat in the pub that night as she sat with a drink. She looked to see Tom walk in and looked to him and smiled

"I thought that Davina would be with you. She's giving me daggers" Ava said as Tom smiled

"she's thinks we have something bad I told her we don't" he said as she smiled. They held a look for a moment as she resisted to kiss him "how about I buy you a drink to celebrate your first day" Tom said as she liked to him and smiled

"that sounds great" Ava said as they held a look. Ava knew that they were attracted to each other would how long would it be before they gave into temptation?

Sexy passions *T. Clarkson*Where stories live. Discover now