"Hey pool."

"How are you today?"

"Awwwww did my future boyfriend just ask me how I was!!"
"Your so thoughtful!"

Izuku rolled his eyes at the future boyfriend comment, but he was used to it by now so he didn't mention it.

"And I'm doing fantastic, I finally get to hang out with this amazing handsomely strong boy today~"

"What about you?"

"Ehh, I'm about to hang out with you so about as good as I'm gonna feel."

"Oh but baby boy, I could make you feel soooo much better~"

Deadpool teased, successfully getting a blush from the spiderman.
However his mask hid it well.

"Anywhoooo, you said we're gonna go to your place?"

"But listen Buggaboy?"

Deadpool had gotten serious.
Very serious.

"No one, and I mean no one knows about this place so don't go around telling anyone got it?"

"Ooh serious Deadpool, never met him before."

Spiderman teased.

"I'm only serious when it's important, buggaboy~"

"Now let's get this party started!!"

Deadpool exclaimed, before jumping off the roof and onto the next.


"Mmh does that feel good?~"

"Pool, please this is uncomfortable."

Midoriya breathed out, trying to get up.

"Nah uh uh, not yet~"
"Just let me do my magic baby boy~"


"Stay still, and enjoy yourself Buggaboy~"

"Deadpool st-oh wow.... "

"How do you feel now?~"

"Pool, please this is embarrassing."

"Well I need to know how you feel, if I'm doing it right, or not baby boy~"

Deadpool pushed a bit harder.

"Yes, it feels g-good."

"Tehe, I told you I can make you feel way better~"

Izuku was extremely thankful for the mask, considering he knew he was blushing like a madman.

"Your making this sound dirty!!"

"Whaaaaaa, no I'm not."
"I'm just giving you an Innocent massage, your the one thinking dirty baby boy~"

Midoriya had no idea how Deadpool actually manage to allow him to touch him, much less give him a mother freaking massage!!

He just knew one minute they were playing video games and then he was trying to massage his own shoulder because he had pulled a muscle.
And then the next Deadpool was lying him down, telling him he could massage his shoulders so much better.
And he wasn't exactly wrong.

"Soo Buggaboy why exactly did you decide to become a hero?"

"I wouldn't call myself a hero... "

Izuku trailed off, feeling the mercenary's hand rub a certain spot and making him groan.

"Fuck, how are you so good at this?"

"Hehe, it's one of my secret powers, and one of the reason I'd make such a good house wife~"

"We should get married!"

"No we shouldn't."
"We barely know each other pool!"

"Well I've been asking you questions for days, and most of them you dodge!"
"So that sounds like it's your fault buttercup~"

Deadpool smirked, before tracing his fingers down one of the black lines that decorated Midoriya's spider suit.

"Which by the way isn't fair, because I've answered every question you have asked me!"

"I barely have asked you anything."

"You asked my name, I said Deadpool, you asked me if I was a murderer I told you I was a mercenary and you asked me what I wanted as my reward and I answered."

"Ok, really pool?"
"All those questions were necessary."

"Still though!"

Midoriya rolled his eyes at the other, but he still decided to indulge Deadpool a little.

"Alright fine, you can ask me three questions and I'll answer them honestly as long as it doesn't give  my secret identity away."


Deadpool exclaimed, clapping his hands over and over again before jumping off of the freckle teen and planting his butt right next to his broken down mattress.
It was hard to get things, when your hiding from so many people and giving most of your money in hopes the most powerful mafia will leave you alone.

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