when you die having a heart disease

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Jay holds onto her tightly holding onto her cheek, his fingers close to where blood was dripping from her lips.

"You're...back." She whispers with a small

"Y/N! Please stay with me! Stay with me!
You'll be okay! Don't worry!" He rambles with tears already reaching the corner of his eyes.

"Jay tell my family that I love them p-please." Her voice cracks as she tries to hold onto her last breath.

"No. No. NO! You're okay! You're okay!" He
tries reassuring himself and her. "-I love you. J-Jay. I love you. --a-always did" She starts crying knowing that her time was almost up.

Because she did, she loved that man with such force and she suffered for him in equal measure. The impact was fatal even if it didn’t kill you on spot, everything stopped moving and then ber eyes closed shut.

No, no, no, no, this couldn’t be happening. He was holding you in his arms and his clothes were soaked in her blood. Jay had tried to stop the bleeding with his ice, but nothing was working. Her life was slowly draining out of you and there was nothing he could do.

"Jay are… okay?”, she asked with a raspy voice.

“No, no, you’re hurt so I’m not okay. You-there is so much blood and I can’t-I can’t do anything, and you must be hurting so much and I-”, he stuttered.

“It doesn’t-it doesn’t hurt Jay. I’m-I’m just… glad you’re unharmed.”, she smiled as blood started to drain from her mouth.

“No, no, no, y/n, stay with me, you can’t leave me, please don’t.”

“I love you Jay.”, she whispered quietly.

“I love you too, I love you so much.”, he sobbed.

Then, as he opened his eyes, he saw the light fading from hers. She  had stopped breathing, but you looked peaceful. Jay pressed his face to your chest and cried. He hadn’t been able protect her, he was supposed to be laying there.

Not you, never you

He nods his head licking his mouth that tasted like salt.

She nods her head with a sad smile. The last smile that he ever saw from her as she closed her eyes and stopped breathing.

Y/n was gone.

"NO!! No Y/N! Please!! Y/N!" Jay cries out as he holds her limp body rocking her back and forth as he sobs. He loved her. He missed her.

He needed her.

Suddenly Jay stops crying and he's silent.
"Jay" Jake shouts from behind the fence seeing him hold Y/N in his arms, Jake too could feel his eyes watering at the scene in front of him.

Y/n was gone, his girlfriend was gone.

"She's gone Jake!" Jay shouts standing up laying her body on the ground.

He remembers saying 'I love you' and screaming after she was gone.

"She's gone." Jay whispers looking at Jake for an answer.

Jake pulls his friend into a hug knowing that he lost the love of his life. Jay starts to cry into his friend's shoulder. He couldn't take it.

The girl he loved was gone.

His head is in his hands as the moment of
seeing her die in his arms replays over and over in her mind.

"Jake. I can't- it was my fault. It was
my fault she's dead. It's my fault. I should have died instead of her" He starts crying again the anger he once had was replaced with remorse.

"It's not your fault. It's her fate and we all know how y/n's heart is weak." Jake said trying to not sob at the pain filling his heart

"She's gone." He whimpers not able to
comprehend that she was dead. He couldn't take it.

"I's okay. I know. I know buddy, but she
would want you to move on. Y/N would want you to move on. Can you do that?" Jake looks at his broken friend for an answer.

"I can't."

"Yes you can, and you will. For Y/N" Jay stays silent for a moment before nodding his head slowly.

But even so, y/n was the soul he will never forget, however fate played with him. Not now not ever.

"I can't, I will never"

There was nothing anyone could do, including him. He couldn't save you. He couldn't give you the life that had been robbed from you.

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