22 | Feel Alive

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Three weeks later, Shay rushes through the last of her emails at her office. She's a little nervous, because earlier Ryan had said, "Can you wrap up your work an hour earlier? We're going out."

Dragging cold fingers through her hair, she flips her head forward and gathers it into a messy bun as she haste to the elevator. It's strange to find the CEO of a company standing outside her office building every single evening not just in tailored suits but in casuals too. Today he is wearing simple blue jeans and white t-shirt, starched of course.

As usual, he is leaning against the hood of his sedan, holding a phone near his mouth with one hand and the other hand has the largest bouquet of...

Are those cupcakes? Yes, he is definitely holding a bouquet of cupcakes. This is the Ryan she has known from seven years back, cryptic, less words more thoughts and always bringing something new to surprise her.

Ryan approaches her from across the parking lot, shoving his phone in his jeans pocket. The sweetest smile touches the lips of the most handsome guy and it's for Shay. She thought she learnt how he looked but this look on his face is so new. His midnight black eyes shine so radiantly as he peers down at her that they appear to be a night sky littered with sparkly stars. And when Shay frowns at the cupcakes, there's a hint of a blush blooming on his strong cheekbones. He may be a man of few words but his expression speaks ample.

Even with her heels on, he still towers over her, looking at her with such tenderness that it makes her want to hug him. He smooths out a strand of hair falling over her eyes and brushes his thumb over the lines of frown on her forehead. His gentle touch turns her to jelly.

Ryan just stands there, employees brushing past him but he stays on the spot, staring at her face for seconds...or forever. It's not like they are getting late. When he finally speaks, his words slide down her dry throat, drops to her stomach and catches fire.

"How is that every time I see you, you give me a new reason to be alive and at the same time you take my breath away." He closes his eyes and groans.

Blushing all shades of red, Shay slaps her bag on his chest, and snatches the big bouquet of cupcakes. She walks over to his sedan, avoiding the slightly smug look on Ryan's face. He knows how to make her flustered. "There's no way I can eat them all. They better be my favorite flavor, Mr. Ryan Tripathi."

She's about to open the door, when his hand wraps around her wrist, his breath filters through the hair behind her ear. "I'm happy you agreed to go out with me, Shay."

"Is this a date?" It hurts to say the words, but Shay has only ever felt this thrilled to go out with Ryan. It can't be just the way he always reminds her of Aarav but it's the way she feels a little less lonely with him.

"No, it's whatever you want it to be. However, I'm not settling for anything less than being your happy moment." He says softly, opening the door for her and fastening the seat belt.

Shay knows he's not trying to impress her or trick her into his life. He hasn't made any heart-wrenching declaration of love, nor implied any guilt-laden acceptance of her feelings for him. At this point Shay is sure, he simply enjoys being with her, talking to her, spending evenings driving around the city as much as she does. She genuinely feels a healthy adult companionship with him.

Her heart jumps to the sight of blueberry cupcakes, her favorite. Smiling he veers onto the main street, his attractive hands skillfully shift through the gears, and Shay is momentarily distracted by how he drapes one hand over the steering and the leather seat against his back creates the hell of an attractive man out of him. Shay has an urge to reach out and intertwine her fingers with his. She wants to live in his wildness and his calm confidence both.

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