28 | Yours Truly

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Ryan will be joining her on the Tripathi dock soon. His light footsteps will create a creaking sound against the old wood, his conditioned gruff voice will say her name, and then he will be there. Just like every evening since they returned home for a month-long vacation. Except for today, Shay has planned something special for him.

Her fingers curl around the fabric of her dress. Although she knows Ryan has planned something similar for her, their story is way beyond clichés, and this time she wants to be the one holding their forever together.

Shay has seen him sneaking out of bed every night, making sure she doesn't notice. He spends hours nursing a glass of whiskey and staring at the ring.

And that clenches her guts. Because the vulnerable look on his face as he contemplates her answer is now too much to handle for her poor heart. Does he not know how much Shay loves him? Or maybe, she hasn't been able to show him how sure she is about him.

The stoic, grumpy man who she met on the rooftop after seven years of separation is now a sexy, playful man who spoils her with his dirty intentions and then later at night, every night, murmurs in her ear how much she means to him. Then moments later crowds her body and rocks her sexual world.

Shay and Ryan are officially a couple now, attending business tours, parties, family functions, and all the festivals together. Only a week back, they celebrated Diwali, lighting candles and fairy lights at every corner of his once so dark and cold apartment. For the first time since they started dating, Shay had managed to drape a peach-colored silk saree. Of course, not without her mother helping her through the video call. They invited all their friends, business associates, and staff to Ryan's place.

Later after dinner, everyone gathered to play card games, and that's when Ryan pulled her to the balcony and kissed her temple. "Thank you for organizing the party for me."

"You finally wore the kurta papa sent for you?" Shay pulled at the collar of his Sherwani kurta, which looked as regal on him as his starched shirts and ironed tuxedos.

"I'm stressing on the part where you addressed my dad as papa," the sly tug on his lips looked both playful and happy. He bent down to kiss her lips lingeringly and then whispered across it. "You look stunning in a saree. Ten times sexier than any dress I've ever seen you wear. I can't wait to get it off your body and ravish you to my heart's content. God, I want you to be mine forever."

"We've only been dating for six months, and you already want to own me." Shay raised a brow at him, a challenging glare on her face.

"Own you? No, I don't want to own you, Shay." She released a relentless sigh as his hands glided across her exposed waist, locking them at the small of her back, and he breathed hoarsely against her cheek. "I want to own things with you. There's a difference."

She was about to kiss him when she heard a train of kids' laughter heading straight towards the balcony, and she had to give him a slight push, untangling herself from his grasp. "Hold that thought until the guests leave."

And just before she turned to leave, he held her wrist and brushed his thumb over her shot-up pulse. "You know I'm in love with you, right?" He said it with utter rawness like it hurt him to open his heart like that.

She opened her mouth to say that she doesn't just know it, but she lives it every single day, every hour, minute, and second of their togetherness. However, the kids were already running around them, and she had to give him a reassuring smile. It wasn't enough.

Maybe, that's one of the reasons why he still hasn't given her the ring yet. She doesn't want to think about any other possibilities than this. How can she when Ryan has been nothing but lovesick for her?

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