8. how about hunting

Start from the beginning

"You chose to leave them behind when you ran away, Dean. I'm just granting you what you wanted "

He felt guilty

Of course he felt guilty

He just wanted to touch the green eyed man again. Hug him and tell him it'll all be okay. But he couldn't

Dean was obviously furious at him

They were sharing an intense stare

Castiel was looking for forgiveness through those emerald eyes

He couldn't read Dean's expression. It was an odd mix of sadness and anger

He stayed with a blank face, looking at the man in front of him breathe rapidly through his anger

"Listen, Dean. I apologize for taking you all the way over here, but this is safer. For you, and for Sam" he stepped forward, slightly opening his hands for a hug. He wanted to comfort him so badly. Hold him tight and tell him he cared

Showed him he cared

But he couldn't

Dean was angry

He gave a deep sigh, ignoring the hug invitation. "Fuck"


"No Cas- I- you're right. Fuck- you're right, this is better. As far away as I am from Sam, the safer he is. Besides, I would just put him in danger. That's all I do, bring the ones I love into danger" he half hearted laughed, hoping Castiel didn't catch on

"That's not true"

Dean smiled, his cheeks becoming a light pink. He was fumbly, staring everywhere except Cas's eyes. He had never been said otherwise when he told himself he was worthless. This was...


"I'm not lying, Dean. You don't bring everyone into danger. You were thrown into this mess unwillingly, this isn't your fault" The angel was smiling. He was comforting the human the best that he could. "Besides, I'm sure you brought more safety to your brother than risk"

"Gee Cas, you sure know how to make a guy feel special, huh"

"But you are special, Dean"

Dean was now full on blushing. These were too many emotions all at once. He was still mad for being so far away, but now he was more flustered than anything, really

The red thread was glowing, like it knew the emotions Dean was feeling

Cas was a smiling mess. He found it interesting how his complements affected the Winchester. How he would turn a darker shade of red, fumble with his words, look around, opening and closing his mouth a few times without saying anything, like he wanted to say something but nothing came out

He was beautiful

The line glowed brighter at the thought. He was curious. Could it know what he was thinking? He tested another thing

Dean Winchester has beautiful eyes

The thread glowed once again. Interesting

"Alright, stop with all the sweet talk, we got a job to do"

Dean finally opened his computer to research, clicking on a few articles to see if anything was out of the ordinary

Cas on the other hand, was testing out the line

Dean Winchester is gorgeous

Dean Winchester is selfless

Dean is the most caring man on earth

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