"I'm not telling you this to scare you; I want you to be prepared for what could happen." With each word he said, my rage increased, and my breath was rapid. He continued talking while my mind was a complete mess.

"You have to be proud of him; what they had been through is a fucking miracle that they are still alive." Suddenly, I couldn't breathe. My chest felt tight. Without saying anything, I bolted from the room and started running toward the door. I could hear Dr. Chang running after me, calling my name and telling me to return, but I couldn't. Onix was ready to take over. I had to leave.

"Alpha, I haven't finished!"

End of flashback

I ran to my office at the pack house, opened the door, and made my way inside, closing it behind me as soon as it was close; I started smashing and breaking everything I could find guilty feelings consuming my soul. Why couldn't I see him before? Why didn't I make more effort to find him? I could have saved him, but I was so engrossed in taking care of my pack and business that I didn't prioritize finding my mate, and now look at my baby. Because of me, he endured years of abuse.

Suddenly, there was a loud knock on the door. I could hear my brothers begging me to open it, but I didn't care. I kept breaking and punching the walls, letting my anger get the best of me. I blame myself. He's in pain because I was so caught up in my shit that I didn't look for him.

What kind of Alpha and mate am I that I couldn't even protect my mate? How did I let this happen? I don't deserve him. By now, I'm crying like a fucking bitch; my mind was a complete mess.

I let myself slide down the wall, pain and misery consuming me. I kept crying until the door burst open. I felt strong arms holding me tight. I could smell my brother's calming scent.

"Hermano cálmate por favor, el doctor necesita hablar contigo." (Brother, please calm down the doctor needs to talk to you.) Javier was begging me.

"Yes, brother, please calm down. Think about your mate." Carlos begged me. I don't know what I would do if I didn't have these amazing people as my brothers by my side. Slowly, my rage subsided, breathing in and out, trying to calm my heartbeat down. I had to apologize for my behavior.

"I'm sorry, brothers. I apologize for my outburst, especially to you, Javier." I cursed myself for being selfish and losing control over my emotions. I'm a fucking Alpha, dammit; I should have more control of myself. It wasn't fair for Javier when the situation with his mate wasn't different than mine, and here I was behaving like a little kid while my mate's life was at stake.

"No, hermano, there's nothing to apologize for. I understand; please put yourself together, and let's go back. The doctor needs to speak to us."

Carlos grabbed me by my arms. "Come on, brother, let me help you up."

They help me stand up. "Hold up, let me go to the bathroom."

"Ok, we'll wait."

I went to the downstairs bathroom to wash my face with cold water, past my fingers through my black hair. Looking at myself in the mirror, I noticed how bad I looked, with dark circles around my puffy red, swollen eyes signaling that I had cried. I looked down at my hands; they were bloody and covered in cuts. I didn't care; they'll heal soon. My tangled clothes looked like a complete mess. I fixed myself the best way possible and went to my brothers.

We walked toward the pack hospital. When we arrived, Dr. Chang waited outside while Dr. Johnson and the rest attended to our mates and Parker. I apologized to him for my behavior before.

"I understand, Alpha; please follow me this time. Beta and Carlos accompany us. What I'm about to tell you concerns the three of you, especially the Alpha and Beta; considering your close relationship, I want Carlos to hear this."

"No problem, doctor, lead the way. Again, I apologize." We kept walking, finally arriving at his office, and he opened the door; we made our way inside.

"Please sit down." He is sitting in front of his desk. We saw him take a deep breath by now; I was getting worried and anxious. I looked to my side and saw my brother's worried faces. I couldn't wait any longer; instead, I told the doctor to start talking; he could feel that I was getting frustrated.

"Ok, let's start; listen carefully. This information hasn't been confirmed, but I'm confident that is true; we found werewolf traits in both brothers."

"WHAT THE FUCK!" The three of us screamed at the same time.


AN: Here's another chapter; enjoy.

Sorry that I don't write about what will happen next; it is because, knowing myself, I'll start telling you the whole story, and I instead let you guys find out by yourselves.

Like always, vote and comment.

Thanks so much for taking the time to give this story a chance is greatly appreciated.

Until next time, sweethearts.



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