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Directing his whispers across the pitch black room, Jisung was pleased to find no response aside from a small snore. Trying his best to be silent, the rapper crawled out of bed, making his way across the room at a snail-like pace. He turned their doorknob with his fingertips, gentle as he could be. After all, just because his roommate was asleep now didn't mean that he couldn't wake up and discover his friend sneaking out. 

Seeing that he was halfway out the door and there was no groggy man demanding to know where he was going, Jisung could assume he was in the clear. Entering the hallway, he was pleased to find it completely abandoned. Now he just needed to make it past all the other rooms filled with his sleeping bandmates without waking any. 

Inching further and further, Jisung made assumptions from each room as he passed. He could hear nothing from Minho's room, sounds from Jeongin's video games in the next, and Chan's light snores from the last. 

Finally he had made it to the living room, and couldn't help but mentally congratulate himself. Stepping into the dark room, he was pleased to see a still-awake Minho already waiting there for him on the couch. 

Noticing the arrival of the rapper, the Lee laughed, a loud sound compared to the rest of the apartment. "What took you so long?" 

Jisung shook his head, knowing that the older was only teasing. Not worrying so much about his volume, he moved to take a seat beside Minho. "I was in no mood to get caught tonight."

"Well I'm glad you're here." Minho loved how the younger automatically moved closer to him,  legs tucked up to his chest. With one arm around the rapper, the other moved to grab an object beside him. "I found this in the freezer. I think it's Hyunjin's, so if he asks who ate it all, it wasn't us."

Jisung's eyes moved to the small container of ice cream balanced on the older's palm. He was quite impressed to find the dancer was so prepared to even have two spoons waiting for them as well. "It's perfect. What Hyunjin doesn't know won't hurt him."

This was how it had been for the past while. On nights where their schedules didn't have them waking up impossibly early in the morning, the two would meet somewhere quiet, usually discussing their days with something to eat.

For the most part, it had gone fine. Not every night was perfect though. Just the other week, Chan had walked in to get a glass of water late in the night. Luckily for them, they had heard him coming, and the darkness aided their secret. Minho had held Jisung close, both desperately trying to suppress their laughter. Their close contact had been hidden by the back of the sofa, and even when Chan had gone back to bed, neither made any effort to move. 

Holding out a spoon to the younger, Minho took the lid off of the frozen treat, not even caring as to what flavor he was about to eat. "Hopefully it's not all melted, someone took their sweet time meeting me out here." 

"Next time I'll just run down the hall screaming. Would that work better?" Jisung jabbed the older, taking a large scoop of the ice cream. 

"I'm just kidding." Minho smiled, pressing his lips to the top of the younger's head, the rapper's hair tickling his face. "I like ice cream softer anyway."

The two sat in silence for a moment, enjoying the peaceful end to a busy day. 

Jisung chuckled, swallowing the cold treat. "Hyunjin may be irritating, but he's got good taste in ice cream flavors. I'll give him that much."

Minho nodded, happily taking another spoonful. "Agreed."

Jisung took this time to consider their next meet up. He would suggest the roof, but last time they went there, they got yelled at, so that was obviously out. As if Minho could read his mind- Jisung seriously wondered at times if he could, the older spoke up. 

"You don't deserve this, Jisung." The dancer whispered, the disappointment clear in his tone.

"Minho, what on earth are you talking about?" The sentiment shocked the younger, desperately trying to decipher what was going on up there in the older's head. 

"These secret meetings, the dozens of texts because we can't say what we want to around the others. All the hiding." Minho's face was mostly hidden in the dark, but Jisung could barely make out a frown. "You deserve to be able to do whatever you wanted, without having to worry about the repercussions. I'm sorry." 

The older had seemed worried lately, was this what that was about? If so, he really had nothing to stress about. "Minho, listen to me."

Holding the Lee's cheeks to ensure he was paying attention, Jisung found the other's dark eyes in the shadows. "Things may a little different than the usual, but I'm alright with that. Every relationship is different. As long as I get to spend time with you, I don't care if it's in front of one person or the whole world."

It was too dark for Minho to tell if the younger was just lying to spare his feelings. "Are you sure?"

"Yes. I promise." Jisung could honestly say he was telling the truth. Although it wasn't quite the usual relationship, he understood that it had to be that way due to the territory. 

"Tell you what," Minho visibly brightened, a thought occurring to him. Jisung could quite literally hear his excitement. "I'm going to take you out one day. For real! Outside, just me and you. How does that sound?"

"Perfect, but you really don't have to, Minho." Jisung wouldn't lie, the thought appealed to him, but it wasn't easy to just escape in their line of work. 

"I want to, Ji." Minho took the younger's hand, his head laid back on the couch. "Tomorrow!"

"Both of our schedules are completely filled tomorrow." The rapper laughed, loving how elated the older was about the event. He couldn't help but look forward to it as well. "What about the day after that?"

"Sounds perfect." Minho grinned, already planning the day in his mind. "Just as long as you and I get out of this living room."

"It's a deal." The rapper nodded, catching the older's eyes in the dark. "I can't wait."

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