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Although he thought he would regret it, Jisung has actually surprisingly enjoyed having Changbin in on his secret.

The two share recommendations often, in fact it was Changbin who introduced Jisung to his new favorite story. It was a currently ongoing story featuring all of the group, taking place in multiple points of views and telling more stories than just the one.

The two would discuss the plot and most recent update whenever they got together, sharing predictions and thoughts on the characters. If they were hanging around the dorm and got a notification for a new chapter, they'd rush to solitude and fan over the content together.

Not only was the story Jisung's favorite, but it was Changbin's long time love as well. They both enjoyed the story because it was so realistic, it really felt like they were a part of the narrative, not just reading about a personality written by a complete stranger on the internet. 

Overall, it was a fun arrangement. They knew each other's secrets and kept them just the same. It only got them into trouble occasionally. 

Like right now. 

"Changbin, will you pass the rice?" Hyunjin asked, wide eyes scanning the wide array of food before him.

Scooping some rice for himself, the small statured man smiled to himself as he set the bowl back down, ignoring the request. "No."

Hyunjin, along with everyone else at the table, was obviously surprised by the blunt answer, but he tried again. "Please?" 

Changbin's gaze stayed on his full plate, his eyes lacking sanity. "Get it yourself, pretty boy."

The Hwang was extremely confused to say the least. If he had done something to bother the older, he had no idea what it was.

On the other side of the table, a lost Minho tapped Jisung's arm, his voice barely audible. "What is Changbin mad about?"

A small chuckle escaped the rapper's mouth as he whispered back. "Hyunjin kissed Felix."

This was obviously news to Minho, whose eyes grew wide. "He did?"

Hearing the older's rising voice, Jisung realized his mistake, shaking his head. He meant that fictional Hyunjin kissed fictional Felix, but how was he supposed to explain that? When Jisung had read the newest chapter and seen that happen, he knew Changbin would be upset about it, but he never expected him to actually take it out on the dancer.

"No, he didn't. I meant that I don't know." Jisung shook his head, the alarm clear on Minho's face. "Changbin's just in a mood, I guess."

Minho had no idea what was going on, but he accepted the younger's answer anyway. "Oh."

That could have been a disaster.

Jisung would just have to pay more attention in the future, because it had been too close, too many times as of late. 

Seungmin woke up the other night, questioning as to why Jisung was flailing around at four in the morning. Then a day later, Jeongin had been close enough to eavesdrop on one of him and Changbin's discussions on the plot of a story Jisung had recommended. Luckily they had been able to play it off as the youngest didn't hear much. Not to mention earlier today when Chan had asked Jisung what he was reading, and Jisung, too distracted by the story, almost told him. 

addiction 》minsungDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora