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Fingers trailing down the younger's skin, the man looked at the prey-like figure beneath him, heart clenching at the flushed and dazed sight.

"You want something, Hannie?" He murmured, eyes never leaving the breathless boy. He couldn't help but feel a sense of pride knowing that it was him, and him only that had left the younger in such a euphoric state.

Distracted by the intense feelings the older was causing him to feel, Jisung nodded, the only sounds emerging from his mouth being nowhere close to words.

Dissatisfied, the older shook his head. Moving down, his hungry lips trailed the younger's skin before stopping to look the other in the eyes. "Use your words."

A hand slamming down on the table Jisung was sitting at caused him to remember where on earth he was, not laid out underneath a certain dancer, but at the kitchen table, surrounded by people.

Looking up from his phone that was now safely tucked away in his pocket, the rapper saw a slightly annoyed man standing a few feet away.

"Did you forget something?" Changbin crossed his arms, looking to Jisung like he expected him to know what he was referring to.

Seeing the absolutely lost look on the younger, Changbin shook his head. "It's your turn to do the dishes." 

"Oh." Jisung chuckled. Changbin had him worried there for a moment. "I'll do it later."

"No you will not." The older was adamant. "I had to eat my cereal with a fork this morning, get on it." 

Beginning to stand up from the table, Jisung wished to leave the situation and continue his written fantasy. "Well, see, I'm kind of busy right now so-"

"He's always busy on that phone of his now." Jisung didn't even notice when Hyunjin entered the room, but he certainly was there now. The Hwang gave him a judging look from across the room. "In the car, late at night, he's constantly scrolling away."

Leaning closer, Hyunjin tilted his head. "What are you up to on there anyway?"

Avoiding the question at all costs, Jisung ignored the prying man and turned back to the impatient Changbin. "Alright, fine. I'll do the dishes."

The older watched as Han moved to the sink, piled what seemed like 10 feet high with dirty dishes. "Thank you."

Feeling slightly bad for lecturing the rapper like that, Changbin stood next to him at the sink, aiding in the chore. While washing, there was something at the back of his mind. He came in here to tell Jisung something else too, but what was it?

"Oh!" The buff man exclaimed, pointing a soapy fork in Jisung's direction. "Chan wanted me to remind you we're meeting at the studio tonight."

Opening the door, where Jisung expected a filled room, he was met with silence. He had received a text from the leader earlier that day stating the time they were all going to be meeting up. Apparently Chan had a song that he was working on and wanted to see what Changbin and Jisung thought of it. Usually he was the one that was late, but today was different.

Taking a seat, Jisung pulled out his phone to wait. He wasn't sure how the thing still had a good battery life, he had been using it for most of the day. He really shouldn't be reading right now, especially since Hyunjin had called him out earlier, but he didn't care.

Alright, maybe he had a problem, but there were much worse things he could be addicted to.

Hearing the door click, Jisung looked up to see Changbin walking through the door, something in his hands.

From the sweet smell alone, Jisung knew just what it was. "Are those brownies?"

"Yes." The older nodded, taking another bite of the delectable dessert. "Felix made them for me."

The Australian's brownies were infamous, and made the list of Jisung's favorite foods. He could tell how good this batch was just from Changbin's face alone. "Can I have one?"

Despite the older holding a small box of them, he shook his head. "Maybe you misheard. Felix made them just for me."

The emphasis put on the last word told Jisung that he wasn't even going to get a crumb.

"You're no fun." He sighed, giving Changbin what was supposed to be an intimidating scowl. 

It didn't work.

Checking the time from the clock on the wall, Changbin shook his head as he glanced around the studio. "Where is Chan anyway? He told us to be here at 8 sharp." 

Jisung rose from his seat with a chuckle. "Maybe he forgot his key again, I'll go check outside."

Seeing Jisung walk out the door, Changbin decided he wanted to be helpful too. Patting his pockets, he searched for his phone to call the leader. 

Unfortunately, the surprise of someone baking a treat just for him had filled his mind so much that he had forgotten to grab the thing as he walked out the door.

Fortunately for him, Jisung had left his phone on the seat, and Changbin knew the password.

"No sign of him outside." Jisung sighed, entering the studio once again.

He eyed the older, who was analyzing something on his phone. He could see that Changbin was quite shocked by something on the screen.

That's when everything clicked in place for the rapper.

That wasn't Changbin's phone at all, it was his.

Jisung didn't even have to see the thing to know what Changbin was looking at, it hadn't occurred to him to close the tab.

Changbin looked to him, eyes wide. Jisung could practically feel the disappointment radiating off the older.

"I can explain!"

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