After Changbin, Chan, and Jisung had returned to the dorms, the three had went their separate ways, Changbin giving Jisung a knowing look as he passed. 

No surprise, Seungmin was already asleep in their shared room when the rapper opened the door. He was in a dilemma, being restless enough to stay awake, hungry enough to eat, but too tired to get up and make anything. 

So he sat on the edge of his bed, untying his platform shoes while he debated about what action to take next. He was trying to make a real decision, but his mind just couldn't stop going back to earlier today. Now Changbin knew his secret, and he was sure the man knew about his adoration for Minho. He wasn't just going to overlook the fact that Jisung read about the two. 

It seemed impossible to Jisung that someone else knew despite him not knowing himself. He enjoyed Minho's company, that was obvious. He loved when the older would look at him during interviews or out in public, and even though it would get him in trouble, he wished he would do it more. He loved that Minho remembered even the most unimportant, tiny details. He loved being his opposite in the tales of fiction, and wished that they weren't something he dreamed about at night, but reality. But what did that mean?

Lost in his fascinations about the man who was probably down the hall sleeping, unaware that anything was happening, Jisung barely noticed the soft tapping of knuckles on the door. Expecting Changbin back to torture him more, the rapper was surprised to see the tousled brown hair slightly covering the soft cat-like eyes he knew so well.

"Minho?" Jisung smiled, slightly worried that his thundering thoughts had summoned the man. He was slightly embarrassed as if the older could hear his thoughts.

Minho returned the look, but a part of him seemed hesitant about coming to the door. He had waited outside before knocking, debating about whether or not to talk to the younger. But he was here now, and there was no going back. "Are you hungry?"

"How did you know that I'd be starving?" Jisung stared at the side of the older's face as they climbed the empty staircase. He was careful not to spill the Styrofoam cup of ramen he held gingerly in his hands.

"I knew that you'd all be back late, and figured you wouldn't have the energy to make anything." Minho shrugged as if the answer was obvious. 

The boy had known so well that he already had the ramen in the kitchen cooking, just waiting for Jisung to get home. 

"Well thank you, really. I really appreciate it." Jisung hoped the man could hear the sincerity in his voice, and not the absolute head-over-heels-ness that was present as well. Rounding the corner, he glanced up the stairs to see how long they had left to go. He also couldn't help but notice Minho was already in his pajamas, and he felt a bit guilty.

"You know, you could've gone to sleep, you didn't have to come with me." Jisung touched the older's arm, letting him know he was serious. "You need sleep too, Minho."

Jisung was just going to eat at the table, but Minho had suggested they go somewhere more quiet.

"I wasn't tired, I promise." Minho grinned at him, and Jisung could see no hint of deception in his deep eyes. Running his fingers through his hair to get it off his face, he looked away. "I'd much rather spend time with you anyway." 

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