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"Good work today, everyone." Chan sighed, taking a swig of his drink. He glanced around the table at his fellow colleagues with a smile. 

The group's day had been filled to the brim with seemingly endless tasks and activities for them to do. It had only ended about an hour or so ago, and now the eight were crammed around the dinner table, feasting on a well deserved meal. 

There wasn't much conversation, everyone being physically and mentally drained. Sleep had never sounded so good. 

"One thing's for sure." Hyunjin muttered, zoned out and moving the food around on his plate. "I am using my whole day off tomorrow to sleep."

Most of the group agreed, apart from two. Jisung glanced to the man next to him, not surprised to see Minho already watching him. One of the Lee's brows raised, wordless asking a question. Jisung obviously took it as something along the lines of, 'Are you still up for it?', to which he nodded back.

A hidden smile appeared on the older's lips, vanishing in the next second as he turned back to his meal. Unbeknownst to anyone else, Minho held Jisung's hand under the table, giving it the occasional soft squeeze.

As tired as the rapper was, he wasn't sure he would be able to sleep tonight due to his excitement for the following day. Minho had promised him that they were going to go out, just the two of them, and the dancer fully intended on keeping that promise. 

Although Jisung had ventured outside with the older before, this time felt completely different. There was a purpose, a reason.

"I almost forgot!" Chan spoke up again, drawing his phone out of his pocket. "The company asked Changbin, Han, and I to write some lyrics down, and you just have to read Jisung's."

The rapper's eyes widened at the mention of his name. "Wait- no. We don't need to do that."

"You'll be fine. They're great." Chan shook his head, handing his phone to Changbin. 

Jisung watched in horror as the phone was passed around the table, everyone taking turns reading his inner thoughts. 

He had completely forgotten about those dumb words. They had been written over a very short time when Jisung was still conflicted on personal matters. Thoughts and worries had been filling his head, and writing them down acted as a sort of therapy. Since he had always been told to write what he knew, the lyrics painted a story of hidden, unrequited love. 

To be more specific, they spoke of being absolutely hooked on someone, unable express it, but unable to move on. 

"These are actually really good." Seungmin told his roommate, eyes scanning the words with Jeongin reading over his shoulder. He passed the phone to Hyunjin when he was done. 

"Thanks." Jisung mumbled, not expecting to have everyone read his feelings out in the open like this. 

"The lyrics are very realistic." The Hwang smirked, eyes leaving the phone for a moment to meet the rapper's. "You wouldn't happen to be secretly in love with someone, would you?"

Minho's thumb brushed against the younger's skin, a signal that everything was alright, the dancer could see Jisung's panic.

"Don't be ridiculous." Felix chuckled, coming to his aid since Jisung clearly had nothing to say. Snatching the device from his bandmate's hands, the Australian shook his head.  "Jisung has always been a good storyteller, that's all."

"Hey, I wasn't going to judge." Hyunjin defended himself, innocent hands in the air. "I was just curious." 

Jisung watched after a few moments as the phone got passed to a very patient Minho. He took his time, examining each line with care. Did he know he was the inspiration? Jisung's muse? He had to. After all, he knew the rapper so well, and the words practically screamed his feelings. 

Glancing up, the older caught his gaze, his soft smile making Jisung forget the others surrounding them at the table. "Does this piece have a name?" 

Jisung nodded, but then caught himself. "Maybe- but nothing definite. I've been playing around with a few titles." 

Seeing Minho's unwavering curiosity, Jisung just wanted to share every thought he'd ever had with the older. Voice quiet, he spoke up again. "I was thinking 'Addiction'." 

Many words and phrased had occurred to the rapper, but that one had stuck around the most. He felt that it described his feelings near perfectly, because Minho was just that for him. Something that he couldn't quit, couldn't get out of his head, even if he wanted to try.

Hearing the term, Minho thought it over for a moment before nodding, a smile on his face. "I like it."

addiction 》minsungNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ