"I Know, Best Boyfriend Ever."

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I'm in our bed. My bed. I haven't moved in 3 days. All the boys have come to either yell at me, hug me, or try to feed me. He hasn't answered my calls. Or my texts. I don't think I can cry anymore. I get to see him in two days at the studio. I have to seem like I'm okay.

I push away my blanket and grab my phone. I open my contacts and scroll down to the 'C' section. I click her name and press the call button. In seconds her voice flows through my speakers.


"Me and you. A date. Pick you up in an hour?"

"Why the hell not."



"Cool." Her angelic laugh fills my ears and I smile.

"See you in an hour." I say and press the 'end call' button.

An Hour Later

After showering and telling the boys I'm going out, which led to another 'you're and idiot' speech from Nash, I head towards Celestes apartment. The moment I park she runs out of her place wearing (pic on top). She hops into the passenger seat and smiles at me.

"You look beautiful." I say, looking her up and down. She blushes.

"Thank you. Now, where are we going?"

"Its a surprise."

"I hate surprises."

"I know."

After what feels like 5 minutes driving, even though it was an hour because of the embarrassingly loud singing they did on the way there. I parked and she looked up, eyes sparkling.

"Are you seriously taking me to digitour?"

"Well I know how much you love digitour and I have a little surprise in there for you." She gapes at me and I smirk. "I know best boyfriend ever."


"Well, I am taking you to digitour and every one ships us anyway, plus your kind of a really cool girl."

"Be prepared, I'll be the weirdest girlfriend you'll ever have."

"Can't wait." I lean over and give her a long, slow kiss.

What do you guys think the surprise is? How do you think Gilinskys doing with Thotison while Johnson is with Celeste?

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