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*Shoots and ladders || Korn*

It was still pretty early but I
decided to get an early night, so Hunter could tell me all about his wedding adventure tomorrow.
I woke up, and after getting ready I decided to head over to Hunter's place, and I could give him a ride to school or whatever.
I knocked on the door, and was greeted by Dr Sylvester.
"Oh hi, is Hunter up?" I asked looking around.
"Oh um, I don't know how to tell you this Alice.." He said nervously. He handed me the pamphlet for the teen rehab and bad behavioral clinic he booked Hunter into. I looked up at him my body brewing with anger. I stormed off before Dr Sylvester could finish talking. I slammed my car door closed and flattened my foot on the accelerator.
I got to school to find Kevin.


I was talking with Emily about Hunter going to rehab, when I saw her eyes flicker behind me. I turned around to see Alice dressed in all black with messy hair, I could almost see the anger radiating off her body in waves. I looked to her hand to see a crumpled up pamphlet. She held it up and then jutted her arm out to give me the flyer.
"Have you seen this shit?!" She seethed as I grabbed the flyer, I scanned it over quickly and my theory was correct. It was also about the rehab.
"It's bullshit." She added as I looked back up at her.
"Yeah." I said.
I turned back to Emily and asked her if she'd join us in helping Hunter escape which she didn't take well.


Kevin and I got into my car and sped off to the rehabilitation center. Once we got there, it was decided that I'd be the getaway driver, since I was really good at driving fast and had an itchy trigger finger. (and partly because I don't think Kevin wanted me to fight anyone, but he didn't tell me that) I waited in the car for a while when I heard an alarm go off in the rehab and saw everyone exiting the building. I saw Kevin, Hunter and some other dude start running this way, away from the security guards that were chasing them. I heard someone knock on the window of my car and I turned to see fucking TROY NIX from Kiloton standing there. I rolled down my window I tried not to fangirl.
"You here for Hunter?" He asked. I couldn't speak so I just nodded.
"Huh never thought he'd have a hot metal head girlfriend." He said to himself. I frowned slightly, and his breath hitched.
"Not like that, I mean you're a child, it's just we live in this town where there are barely any other metal heads, and plus he's kind of a dick." He said with a slight laugh.
"Yeah he is, but we're not dating anyway." I said looking down.
"Oh? What do you have a boyfriend, or girlfriend?" He asked sounding confused.
"No, no it's just Hunter and I have kinda been on and off, back and forth, so I don't really know." I said with a bitter chuckle.
"Ah alright." He said shaking his head to himself.
"This your car?" He asked.
I side eyed him and just provided him with a nod.
"It's a piece of shit." He said plainly.
I smirked.

*Blackwater park||Opeth*

I spotted them all running around the corner and skidding into the parking lot. They looked behind themselves frantically checking that no-one had followed them. Hunter made eye contact with me and he smiled, his eyes slid over to Troy next to me and his smile dropped from his face.
"You guys better get going if you want to make it to battle of the bands." Troy said taking his hands off my car. Hunter walked over to the car window, he looked at me with wide eyes and then looked over to Troy his face brimming with excitement.
"I know right!" I whisper-shouted. Kevin and the random dude, which I vaguely remembered as the stoner from the shitty band going against Skull fucker, got into the car. Troy put his hand on Hunter's shoulder.
"You better take care of her, she's a good one." he said.
Hunter looked back at me, I was avoiding eye contact like no-one's business. He then looked back at Troy.
"Sure." he said rolling his eyes slightly. Hunter got into the car next to me. I drove off speedily. We stopped off at Emily's house. Hunter and I stood by the car, while Kevin went to go get Emily.

 Hunter and I stood by the car, while Kevin went to go get Emily

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"So how was rehab?" I asked staring at our feet.
"It fucking sucked." Hunter said scoffing. I looked up at him.
"It was kinda fun busting you out though, fucking prison break style." I said.
"Hell yeah it was." Hunter said looking down at me now. Hunter leaned down slightly and I thought he was gonna kiss me, so I grabbed his waist, but then Kevin and Emily walked down the path of her house to us. Hunter looked away awkwardly and sighed. He grabbed my hands and pulled them off of him. I looked down trying not to show the emotion on my face. I made eye contact with Emily before I got back into the car. Hunter apologized to her but she said she wasn't ready to join them for battle of the bands, so I dropped Kevin off at his house so he could get ready, and on the way to Hunter's house, Hunter spoke up.
"Hey so, would you come inside when you drop me off? I have something to show you." He asked. I looked at my hands on the steering wheel and said nothing. After a while of not saying anything, he looked at me.
"Alice?" He said looking worried.
"Yeah." I said still not looking at him.
"Please come inside." He said as I pulled into the driveway. I didn't say anything but I did unbuckle my seat belt and got out the car. Hunter sat in the passenger seat looking confused.
"Well are you coming or not?!" I yelled. Hunter smiled and we walked into his place. We went down to his room and there was something on his bed that he had covered with his jacket. I eyed it but didn't say anything.
"Alice I've been a real dick to you. I'm not good at apologies, and I know you aren't either so you can't be a dick about this, but I'm really sorry. I kinda have been playing with your feeling and being hot and cold, but I really like you and I want you to be my girlfriend. " Hunter said looking down at me. I was speechless but he just waited.
I linked my arms around his neck and pulled him down, kissing him hard. He kissed back and when he pulled away he had a dumb smile on his face.
" I want you to be my boyfriend."
I said unlinking my arms so that he could stand up straight again, but he didn't he grabbed my face and kissed me again. After we made out for a little I finally asked.
"So what's on your bed?" I asked twirling a strand of his hair.
"Oh right!" He said standing up.
"Remember that guitar that we saw at that vintage market we went to a little while ago?" He asked.
"The sexy one?" I asked.
"Yeah the sexy one." He replied.
"Yeah, what about it?" I asked.
"Well..." Hunter said as he pulled the jacket off of his bed, revealing the gorgeous guitar sitting there.
"I got it for you." He said playing with his hair.
"OH MY FUCKING GOD, HUNTER!!!" I yelled jumping up and hugging him, I pulled myself up and wrapped my legs around him, he held me up laughing. I kissed his neck as he fell back onto the bed next to the guitar.

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