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*Rosemary || Deftones*
School was over so I grabbed my
backpack and started walking towards my car when I saw Ally walking towards me. I sped up my pace and started fishing my keys out of my jacket.
"Alice wait!" Ally shouted. I sighed and looked down at the keys in my hands.
I turned to her abruptly.
"What do you want?" I asked abrasivly trying to get this over and done with.
"I'm not here to start a fight." She said raising her hands up defensively. I rolled my eyes.
"I don't know what's going on with you and Maya but-" She started but I interupted her.
"What's going on with us is I discovered that she's a massive cunt and I'm not friends with her anymore." I said dryly. Ally blinked at me looking confused.
"So... It's not because of me?" She asked finally.
"No ofcoarse it's not about you Ally you really think you matter *that* much that you'd ruin our friendship?!" I scoffed.
"I just ask cause I was worried that me being around was hurting your friendship." She said looking away.
"You never seemed to care before and neither does Maya so it turns out you're both cunts, but don't worry we're not friends anymore so nothing you do can kill our friendship cause Maya already shot it 5 times and then twisted the knife that she planted in my goddamn back!" I said with an exaggerated twisted motion. That seemed to momentarily quiet Ally so I took that opportunity to get in my car and drive home.

I got home backing my car in the driveway. I checked my phone looking at the time. Kevin and Emily should be here soon. I grabbed my jacket and walked inside. I avoided my dad and grabbed a coke from the fridge. I sat down on the couch and looked down at my phone.
No messages from Alice...
-Hey, you home yet?
Sent - Me

-Hey! Yeah I got home a little bit ago, sorry I didn't message u I was kinda in a bad mood
Sent- ⚡Alice🖤

-Np wanna come over?
Kevin and Emily are gonna come over and we're gonna watch movies or some shit, it'd be nice to not be a third wheel
Sent- Me

-Sure! I'll be there soon >:p
I looked up from my phone to see Kevin's car in the driveway. I got up and opened the door for them.
"Hey Hunter." Kevin said holding Emily's hand. I rolled my eyes slightly.
"Hey man." I replied.
Emily waved slightly and I just closed the door. I walked with them to the kitchen to get us some drinks. I saw my dad and tried to ignore him.
"So is your goth girlfriend gonna come over too?" He asked.
I rolled my eyes.
"Girlfriend?" Kevin asked sounding baffled.
"She's not my girlfriend firstly, secondly she's not goth she's a metalhead." I corrected still not looking at him.
"Well whatever she is if she comes over don't play your music so goddamn loud!" My dad said raising his voice as he left. I sighed and turned back to Kevin and Emily with their drinks.
They were both just staring at me.
"What?" I asked growing irratated. Kevin snickered slightly.
"So what does she come to your place all the time or something?"
He asked looking amused.
"She comes over when I want to hang out with actual cool people." I said dodging his question.
"That's not really an answer-" Kevin said but I walked out the kitchen cause she just parked her car in the driveway. I opened the door for her.
"Hey." I said cool-ly.
"Hey!" She said as she pulled me into a hug. I hugged her back sinking into her arms.
"Hey guys." She said as she pulled away. She went and hugged Emily and Kevin as well.

We all went down to my room and talked shit, until we decided to watch Human centipede.

Alice and I were sitting on my bed, and Kevin and Emily were sitting on the floor by my bed with my laptop in front of them

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Alice and I were sitting on my bed, and Kevin and Emily were sitting on the floor by my bed with my laptop in front of them.
Alice was laying on her stomach watching the small screen a little bit away from us. I heard Emily audibly cringe as we watched. At some point Alice started playing with my hair. I looked over to her and she was just mindlessly playing with a strand of my hair. She must of noticed me looking at her cause she turned her attention to me. She smiled at me, which caused a weird feeling in my stomach. I smiled back at her and she scooted closer to me so our sides were pressed against each other, she then rested her head against my arm. I pushed her down slightly and played with her hair.
She looked up at me, her hair falling around her face perfectly she closed her eyes like a happy cat. I let out a quiet breathy chuckle causing her to open her eyes, and smile. Her cheeks were ever so slightly blushing. She turned on her side so she could watch more of the gruesome movie we decided on.

When the movie ended we all decided to watch the other two Human centipede movies. Sometimes we laughed at the bad acting and bad affects, sometimes we grimaced at the gore and the themes of the two movies. My dad came in every now and then to 'check on us'
Once the movies were done, the sun had gone down and it had gotten alot colder than we expected. We got a couple blanket and extra pillows and stuff, and put them on the floor for Kevin and Emily. The plans was Emily and Alice would sleep in my bed and Kevin and I would sleep on the floor, but Emily wanted to cuddle Kevin and she said she didn't mind sleeping on the floor anyway. I ended up making a small bed next to my bed and Alice got my bed to herself.


I was lying in Hunter's bed half asleep, when I heard someone shivering. I looked at the floor next to the bed and Hunter was shivering. He ended up with the smallest blanket even though he was the tallest. I rolled my eyes.
"Hunter?" I said quietly being sure not to wake anyone else.
"Hey sorry did I wake you?" He asked looking up at me.
"No just get in here." I said.
"What?" He asked furrowijg his brows.
"Get in the bed with me Hunter, you're freezing!"I whispered more aggressive. He let out a small laugh and then got up and into bed with me. I made space for him, even though he had a double bed my body heat would help warm him. I opened up the blanket for him and he got in quickly. I tucked the blanket over him and lay on his chest. I locked my arms around his neck pulling him close.
"You're warm." Hunter said awkwardly.
"You're cold." I replied not being able to take the smile off my face. Hunter's arms finally tightened around my waist. I looked up at him, his eyes were closed and even in the darkness I could see he was blushing. I smiled and kissed his neck before settling into his arms and eventually settling into a deep sleep.

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