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"Leave me the fuck alone Jared!" I said trying to walk away from the jock.
"C'mon sweetheart you never answered my question." He said mockingly.
"Does this answer your question? FUCK OFF!" I said stomping off but then getting stopped by Jared again.
"No unfortunately that doesn't answer my question of if it's that time of the month." Jared said a sick smile forming on his face. I rolled my eyes.
"Oh I'm just trying to be considerate! If it is shark week it would explain why you're so moody all the time." He said with a hearty laugh.
"Why I'm so moody all the time is because I have to deal with absolute dickwads like you." I said, stomping on his foot and walking off.


I watched this interaction from afar. Growing angrier as Jared kept pestering Alice. I thought it was over after she stomped on his foot with her combat boots. He hissed in pain and grabbed her bag as she walked away. Her bag unzipped and her books, stationary, guitar picks, phone and evidently a couple tampons fell out. She whipped around scrambling to get all her stuff.
Jared picked up one of her tampons a wicked smile on his face.
"Woah look who takes jumbo sized-" Before he could even finish that sentence I was speed walking towards him.
"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" I shouted as I rounded on him. I saw Alice look up at me with a smile. I punched Jared square in the face. He staggered backwards looking enraged.
"She said fuck off-" I started but got cut off by a blow to the face. He punched me so hard a fell backwards. Alice crawled over to me to see if I was okay.


Hunter was holding his nose, squeezing his eyes shut in pain. I stood up and kicked Jared in the balls causing him to keel over in pain. I grabbed my shit shoving it into my bag haphazardly. I grabbed Hunter's hand pulling him up. We ran away from the scene of the crime. I pulled Hunter into the girl's bathroom with me, locking the door behind me. I pulled his hands away from his nose to see the damage. Blood gushed out of his nose, spilling onto the white sink.
"Shit!" Hunter cursed. I unwrapped a tampon and handed it to him.
"What's this for?" He asked raising an eyebrow.
I signaled to put it in his nose.
"What? No way!" He said blushing slightly.
"Don't be a pussy." I said grabbing it from him and sitting on the counter in front of him. I wrapped my legs around his waist pulling him closer. He looked away bashfully. I turned his head towards me.
"C'mon let me help!" I pleaded. He looked towards me still holding his nose. He rolled his eyes and let me stick a tampon up his nostril.
"Jesus fucking christ, this thing is huge, how the fuck do you stick these up your-" Hunter said before cutting himself off. I raised and eyebrow at him and laughed. We hung out for a little while in the bathroom until Hunter's nose stopped bleeding. We cleaned up and unlocked the door.
We went to class and surprisingly didn't get called to the dean's office, my theory was that Jared was too embarrassed that the metal heads beat him up. I sat with Hunter at the lunch table playing with a strand of his hair while Emily told me a story of something that happened earlier. I got up and walked to the vending machine. My drink got stuck on the way out. I punched the vending machine in frustration.
"Did you see what happened to Alice today?" I heard a familier voice whispering behind me. I glanced that way slightly to see Ally and Maya talking unaware of my presence.
"No, what happened?" Ally asked.
"Jared was making fun of her and he grabbed her bag and like tipped everything onto the floor!" Maya started.
"And she had these mega fucking tampons it was so embarrassing!" She finished, laughing her ass off.
"Thats kinda messed up.." Ally said quietly.
I slammed the vending machine again causing my drink to fall down, I grabbed it and stormed past them.


I took a bite of my sandwich as Alice came back to the table looking annoyed.
"You okay?" I asked.
She glanced at me and shrugged.
I grabbed a monster out of my backpack and handed it to Alice.
"Thank you!" She said as she kissed my cheek. She took the monster from me and opened it taking a lengthy sip. I was glad I could cheer her up. Kevin gave me a suggestive look and I rolled my eyes.
She got talking about what dick heads Maya and Ally are. We all listened intently especially Emily who kept laughing at the jabs she made at them.
"So what'd they do by the vending machine?" I asked looking down at Alice. The words seemed to catch in her throat. She glanced back to the vending machine, her eyes then trailed along to the table they were sitting at. She momentarily made eye contact with Maya before turning back to me. She had a weird expression on her face, and she opened and closed her mouth a couple times before clearing her throat.
"They were just being dicks about what happened earlier..." She said avoiding eye contact.
"They saw what happened earlier?!" I asked louder than wanted. She turned back to me.
"Yeah apparently." She said taking another sip of her monster. I was baffled.
"So, they saw the whole thing.... And just decided to not say anything or help?" I shook my head slightly.
"Yup." Alice said looking down at her hands.
"I thought she was supposed to be your best friend..." I started saying but trailed off when I looked down at Alice.
"I thought so too.." She finally looked up at me, her eyes glistened slightly like she was about to cry.
"Wait what happened earlier?" Kevin finally asked.


Hunter took the duty of telling them the story of our baddass fight earlier. I leaned against him, feeling awful. He held my hand, rubbing his thumb over my palms every now and then, trying to comfort me. At some point a zoned back into reality and realized I had been staring at Ally and Maya. Fucking hell! Of coarse when I decide to zone out that's where I choose to mindlessly stare. Maya's glaring at me looking annoyed, and Ally looks slightly worried. I turn around and shove my face into Hunter's body. I link my arms around him and bury my face into his chest.
"A... Alice?" He says stuttering slightly.
I look up into his eyes.
"Are you ok?" He asks glancing down at me. I examine his face, he's blushing, and he keeps half laughing, probably cause he's nervous.
"Yeah." I say not able to keep the smile off my face. Why is he so goddamn cute?!!!


How is she this fucking pretty?!!
The bell rings and Alice's embrace tightens before she let's go. She grabs her bag and walks off heading towards the lockers.
"You smell really good by the way." She says turning back to me. I smile and she sticks her tongue out at me before walking off. I face Kevin and Emily again who are both looking at me with their eyebrows raised in a kind of 'OH we see what's going on there' way. I scoff and walk off too.

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