Thank You, Recovery Girl | Chapter 16

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"Speaking" 'Thinking' 

Recovery Girl stuck around for a while. She enjoyed her time with the green headed boy. Midoriya's dog, Azraqi, sat on top of his lap throughout the entire time she was there. Besides when she was healing him of course, but aside from then, he stuck to the boy as much as he could. Midoriya noticed the curious eye of Recovery Girl towards his furry little friend. 

"What's wrong Recovery Girl?" Midoriya asked. RG realized that she'd been staring a little too intently at the boy's dog, then looked at him.

"Oh it's nothing Midoriya-san. It's just that..., your dog is a little..." Recovery Girl didn't quite know how to explain it.

"Oh..., Azraqi..., he's a tad protective..." Midoriya told the woman. 

"Azraqi..." The woman spoke. She looked towards the dog in wonder. "A good name for someone as protective as him." Midoriya smiled and placed a gentle hand on his friend's head. 

"He's probably the reason I'm still alive..." Midoriya told her. "Well, that and Yagi-san coming to my rescue..." Midoriya chuckled. The elder woman turned her head to stare at her friend. The man was huddled in a corner watching the boy hesitantly.

"I'd been meaning to ask that..., how exactly do you know Yagi?" Recovery Girl asked the boy. Midoriya chuckled at her.

"To be honest, the first time I'd met him was when I bumped into him at the grocery store. I'd paid for his groceries as an apology. Then when I was walking down the side walk with a lot of things in my hands, he pulled over and offered to help me bring it back to my apartment..." Midoriya told the woman.

RG's eyes widened slightly at the boy's answer. Her dear friend actually showed interest in making a friendship rather then being worried about leaving others behind. It was the first she'd ever heard of Yagi taking the initiative.

Midoriya chuckled at the woman's surprised expression. Azraqi nudged Midoriya's arm to continue to pet him. Midoriya smiled at Azraqi's comfort. "Anyway..., when do you think I'll be able to get out of here?' Midoriya asked the woman.

Recovery Girl smiled at the boy. "I can get you all healed up now and you should be able to get discharged by tomorrow." Recovery Girl told the boy. Midoriya smiled brightly at that.

"Please do! I still have quite a bit of work to do, it'd be good if I could get all healed up." Midoriya told the woman. Recovery Girl corked a brow at his words, but decided not to question it. Her blonde friend had already told her that the boy had no wish in becoming a hero, which meant that it was something else that was really important to him.

"Of course, Midoriya-san." Recovery Girl told the boy. Azraqi jumped off of the bed and allowed the woman to begin healing him. Midoriya happily closed his eyes and allowed the woman to do her job. After that, Midoriya was out like a light and ready to leave the next morning.

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