Can't Quite Remember... | Chapter 17

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"Speaking" 'Thinking'

Midoriya had returned home from the hospital with two new contacts added to his phone. Recovery Girl made sure that she was one of his Emergency Contacts, just in case a situation like this happened again. Which, for some reason, she felt like it would. A gut feeling that might end up true, or not, only time will tell.

Yagi had dropped the things that Midoriya had bought over at the apartment with Bakugou when he was still in the hospital, so he didn't have to worry about setting things in the house. He was honestly happy to have met some more friends. He'd always been alone before, it's strange that as soon as he starts thinking about his dream, people begin to approach him more...

Midoriya happily messed around with a few things in the apartment. The place looked a lot different from when his mother was living there. It had a more dorm-ish look to it now. Two boys lived there alone, so it's kind of understandable...

Midoriya still felt slightly sore around his abdomen, so Bakugou told him to take it easy and didn't allow him to go to school today. He'd already missed a few days now. At this point it looks like he just straight up dropped out. But, he had to finish..., especially if he wanted to get a job at the company he wants. It's fine if he doesn't go to high-school, but if his records say that he didn't even finish Junior high, then his resume would look kind of strange...

But it's not just that, he had to finish to even go to his high-school. He was already admitted into next year's class, not only that it was one that he could take his time with, he didn't even need to really go to get good grades. That would all change if he didn't finish Junior High...

Midoriya huffed to himself, he was planning on going to the small grocery store he'd met Yagi at. He applied for a small part-time job as a cashier there. It was a good start and it also looked good on his resume that he's had some experience in working before. 

He left the pets at home, Azraqi not being the happiest about it, but stayed put never the less...

Midoriya wandered the streets, taking a short break here and there to rest his sore stomach. Recovery Girl did a great job and all, but that didn't stop the pain from all the destroyed muscle tissue in his stomach...

He can't even remember the person that attacked him. If he's honest, he can't even really remember the attack, all he really remembered was that he had followed Azraqi down an alleyway and discovered a body..., but aside from that..., he couldn't quite recall anything...

He felt bad for not being able to assist the detectives searching for the killer...

Midoriya sighed and made his way into the grocery store. He went up to the desk and told them that he was their new worker. He was then immediately brought behind the counter and taken to the back to change into his uniform and start working.


Midoriya happily stocked the shelves and greeted customers as they walked in. Most of them always sent him smiles whenever he greeted them. He assumed it's because he looks a lot different now then he did when he wasn't so tall... In fact..., back then he didn't even look his age. He looked like he was still ten or something, but now..., he looks like he's at least seventeen. It must be a tad confusing to those around him...

As Midoriya continued working, a familiar head of bright blonde hair walked in. He was as tall as ever. "Oh? Yagi-san..." Midoriya spoke.

Yagi was surprised to see Midoriya there, it was especially strange since he'd witnessed him laying in the hospital just yesterday. "Midoriya-san..., what are you doing here...?" Yagi questioned. Midoriya smiled at the man as he grabbed some things and placed them on the shelves.

"What does it look like I'm doing? I'm working." Midoriya joked with the man. Yagi frowned at his words. 

"Don't you think it's still a bit too early for you to be carrying heavy things and moving around so much..., you literally got stabbed..." Yagi told him. Midoriya hummed at his words.

"I know what it looks like, but I'm feeling find aside from a bit of soreness. Not only that though, I've gotta make some money." He responded to the man. Yagi frowned again. Why does someone his age have to be out working right after getting out of the hospital, things are getting a bit worrisome.

"Yagi-san, your expression tells me that you're not too happy with me." Midoriya once again joked with the man as he continued working. "There's no need to be so worried about me, its not like I'm gonna keel over and die just from a bit of work..." He told him.

Yagi awkwardly rubbed at the back of his neck. "I get that kid..., I just don't like seeing someone your age out working when they should be out playing with their friends or something..." Yagi told him.

Midoriya laughed at that. "Oh please, I don't have that many friends to be doing something like that. Besides, if I want to get things done, I need to do them myself. I'm working for a reason, I need to gain experience." Midoriya told the man. Yagi sighed in defeat. Knowing full well that whatever he says, the young boy would just ignore and continue what he was doing. 

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