Chapter 29

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"Dad?" I ask, still standing in the doorway.

My bottom lip trembles as I try to push back tears.

Dad's closed eyes open, and though the oxygen mask keeps him from speaking, he manages to move his fingers to tell me to come to his side.

I fling myself towards him, sobbing.

I gently take his hand into mine, wrapping my fingers around his.

"I'm so sorry," I cry, unable to say anything else.

Dad uses his other hand to reach up and take off the oxygen mask.

"It's not your fault. Is Lily okay?" he asks.

His voice trembles, and he seems to have a hard time saying each word.

"She's going to be fine," I say, trying to stay strong for him. "Damien's getting to the bottom of it right now."

"Where's...your mom?" He asks, struggling to talk.

"She's coming soon. Really soon," I promise.

He seems to relax a little, when I say that.

"Evelyn, I think it's time for him to rest," the Doctor says from behind me.

I nod, wiping away my tears, "You should sleep."

Dad squeezes my hand, keeping me in place a second longer, "Get Lily back."

"I will," I promise. "I will."

He lets go of my hand.

"I'll be back," I say, slowly standing.

I stumble out of the room, shivering uncontrollably.

Thalia waits right outside and wraps me in a hug instantly, rubbing my back soothingly.

"I don't want him to die," I sob.

"I know, Eve. I know," she says, squeezing me tightly as if it'll keep the broken pieces of my heart together.

I pull away.

"What am I gonna do? The minute he dies, I'm gonna have to take over the company. And we still don't have Lily back, and we have to deal with the funeral and...I don't want him to die!" I cry.

Thalia comforts me for the next two hours, before she leaves to go check on the Moms and hopefully bring them back.

It takes a whole hour, but the three of them come back.

Mom's frantic and worried, insisting on seeing dad immediately. Mom can be pretty convincing, and given that she's family and her husband's about to die, the doctor doesn't protest and lets her in Dad's room.

Valerie gives me a hug and apologizes for not being able to keep Lily safe. I try to stay strong, and tell her to go find James and check on him, since she's obviously worried.

And again, I'm left alone with Thalia, who was on her now charged phone, speaking with Damien to ask him how the search for Lily was going.

Apparently, the attack had happened while the guards on duty's time ended, so they were switching out. There was normally a two minute gap in between, and the attackers had been quite swift.

I grabbed Thalia's phone from her when I finally heard how it had happened, and proceeded to yell at Damien for being so stupid as to leave two minutes of no protection.

I don't understand how?

He's usually thorough!

What was he thinking?!

"Eve, we're tracking down Trix again, and seeing if we can get information from him. I also checked the security cameras and found the number plate of the car they used to get out of here. We're tracking who owns the car right now. We'll find her," Damien assures me.

"I WANT HER BACK BEFORE THE END OF THE DAY!" I yell, and then add, "And I want the people involved in her kidnapping brought to me alive. I would like to personally see to it that they understand what it means to cross me."

I end the call right there, seething.

A bunch of people are staring at me in the hospital, and I'm pretty sure I look half-crazed but I glare at them and stare each and everyone one of them down until they look away.

I feel someone tap my shoulder and I turn around, relaxing slightly when I see the doctor, "Yes?"

"You can go in to see your father. He's more stable...or as stable as he can be. And since he's not going to be alive for too long, you can take in anyone he knows, as long as you don't stress him out,"The doctor says.

"Thank you," I say gratefully, and yank Thalia with me back into Dad's room.

Hey guys. I'm sorry that I haven't been updating in a while. I hope everyone's having a great summer. I'll try to update soon!

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